Wednesday, June 29, 2005

4th of July weekend coming

Hey again - to the people that dont read this - if you do, LET ME KNOW :)

1st - BF2 is a great game, with some issues that need to be fixed - servers are terrible and ranked servers are worse; Filters dont work.. ping numbers dont mean anything.. GAME wise, it is alot of fun, when you dont get kicked by punkpuster for high lag, which isnt high.

If you want to see your stats, go here:

2nd - WOW: killed Onyxia last week (finally) and know that I have come a long way since 11/23. My wife and my alt are now in Charred Vale in STM and going to go for the leader harpy chick (26E ?). Should be a good fight. I got my tribal Leatherworking to 272 last night and just need a few more ironfeathers to pop to 275 = Chimera stuff.

AS for the 4th, it looks like we are going to wildwood (again) for a fun-filled adventure on the carnival NJ shore. I am getting tired of the same 'county fair' look of the boardwalk, and knowing that there is nothing better than that here gets me upset sometimes. It sucks that the 4th is a monday, because everyone is doing fireworks on Monday night, the night we need to be home so we can work on Tuesday.. go figure.

Lastely, I was wrongfully picked out by Best Buy and to make a long story short, they owe me an appology, IMO.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Xterra Speaker Installation

Hey again... guess no one still reads this :P

Did my speaker installation this weekend. Let me tell you, what a nightmare.
1st, The 'nissan approved' speaker wire harness does not work with the Nissan Xterra. Save your money and clip the connectors and use a soulder iron/ crimper.

2nd, the speakers do not align up correctly with the holes on the panels. At some point in time I will be drilling holes in my truck to add the missing screws.

The results are very noticable. Sounds SO MUCH better than the POS OEMs that were in there before.

BF2 is on the way :) :) This will be an excellent pick-up game to off-set WoW.

WOW UPDATE: got all my dragonscales for my Black Dragonscale boots. The Leatherworker needs the pattern, but I also need to get a few more items from the MC, so Off to the next raid I go :P I also hope that we will be hitting Onyxia this week, as I REALLY want to take down that dragon..

More tomorrow as I plan on updating this more frequently.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Good and bad weekend

OK - this weekend was a mix: Lets start with the good..

+ Thanks to DC Comics, we saw BATMAN BEGINS and know that IT ROCKS!! MUCH better than the batman series they did in the 90s, and a better movie than Star Wars Ep 3!! Movie of this summer is Batman Begins... You heard it hear first.
+ Comic-con Philadelphia was excellent; met Tricia Helfner and know that season 2 of Battlestar is almost done. Got a kick ass Batman shirt and also had Kenny Baker (Hes R2D2 for you non-Starwars folks..) sign my Empire poster.

Now the bad..
- Nicole' s grandpop passed away this weekend :(
- and my moms cat had a serious medical complication that forced her to out him down :(

WoW note => I finished another DKP (thanks Bruzer) raid into UBRS and completed the EYES quest for the Hag; I now have to hunt down the different dragons thru the world and collect items off of them. I also need to do some more raids in BRD, Scholo Strat, and LBRS for the other parts of my set pieces, the BEASTMASTER :D