Hey gang,
Ive been doing this bi weekly blog for the last 2 or so years.. its been good and alot of fun, but I think I might modify this to be something more of a daily rant like a... blog :) I will see what I can pull off, so look for more posts about all sorts of BS like...
FAMILY: Christopher is now 2 months old tomorrow! HOLY CRAP MAN! The boy is growing bigger each day and getting the 'ohh so cute..' from the females in our lives. I think its time to goto Hooters with Chris for lunch :P Here is the latest pic: Chris meets Santa :D HE goes to his next appointment next week, and 3 shots will be coming his way :)
Nicole is doing well- she and I are going to try and figure out the 'get back to the gym' thing and might have to take turns or something to do a workout until he can sit in the daycare at the gym by himself... should be interesting.
XBOX: Its a good time to be an XBOX 360 owner recently. Lets see - the top 5 games on Metacritic:
1- 96% Bio Shock- a single player game that rocks
2- 96% Orange Box (TF2 and Halflife..)- pure fun
3- 95% Call of Duty 4- GAME OF THE YEAR. This is what I have been playing since last week.. go get it!
4- 95% Rockband - The game I would like to play with everyone at once :) and I call drummer :)
5- 94% Halo 3- yes, H3 is #5 on the list.. Great game and finished the series... or did it??
Least to say, this does not cover all the games like Mass Effect (Scifi RPG should rock..), PGR4, and many more. Im going to do the 'rent one and play COD4' thing.. figure if there is some downtime I could play the rental for a bit...
SHOPPING: ok- Here is the scoop; look for the Black Friday deals online before you go out. HERE IS THE BLACK FRIDAY WEBSITE ....use it wisely. So far since we have all our shopping done, if we did go, it would be for fun gifts for ourselves...but whats the fun in that :) EVERYTHING!! I will be trying for the $230 laptop at best buy, but doubt I will get it.

DEALS: Here is the best deal in town so far: Some bestbuy coupons for $5 off games- save the picture to your desktop, print em out and go get me a game :P
CELL PHONE STUFF: I need one.. anyone have suggestions?? I have t mobile and was looking at the shadow, but heard its not all that.. then I looked at the RIZR from Motorola.. and also now the blackberry (Jason has one).. Anyone ??? HELP!! I could really use a new phone as I usually get the short end of the stick for the last year or so..
PRE CHRISTMAS EVENTS: Yep - Christmas is everywhere and we have not even had a thanksgiving meal yet! Pre-Christmas sales, music on the radio, wreathes on the walls.. trees in the stores, lights on the malls.. and this is before Halloween!! Give me a break.. Yes, Im all for the ho-ho-ho ness of the season, but at least give me my fall time! For F sake, let the leaves get OFF the trees before putting lights up. Nicole and I passed 2 homes last week with lights already out.. Typically for us, we wait for the 4 day weekend and bust out all the bins, do the Christmas thing and enjoy the time off of work.
Maybe its cause gas is almost back to summertime prices... hmm maybe its time I talk with Dave about that mini cooper :)
THANKSGIVING: Should be excellent - lots of family and good food and thats what its all about :) 14 people this year over at Tony's apartment... yes, the one-room apartment will be loaded with all of us: Me, Nicole, my mom and George, Her mom and dad, brother and G/F Skye, Her uncle and their family and her aunt and Tony - and oh, the two kids Chris and Jason Jr.
..so I will eating outside on the steps :P
Pics and more Black Friday posts very soon!
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