..then the time change hits...
Christopher came back from the Dr on Halloween and gained 3 lbs since the first visit - that makes my son 11 lbs at 5 weeks old. Thats Awesome :) I cant wait to teach my son how to tackle a person.. hes my padawan learner for being the next running back or linebacker for the Steelers :) Oh, and hes cute..... ladies man...
AND we have GOD PARENTS!! Dave Brussin will be making people offers they cant refuse and Gabrielle R. (Nicole's cousin) will be the godmother.. Look for baptism stuff in January sometime..
In other news, the biggest football game so far this season was excellent, and just like I thought, Evil - I mean the NE Patriots won over Indy. Not only did the colts loose their #1 WR but also lost their new guy - so basically they had their #2 and #4 WR playing.. meanwhile, emperor 'bill-i-cheat' had his full arsenal of players.. results in a win for Pats. I am convinced that if Indy had their full team against the full team of the patriots, they would win - and bet your ass they will in January when the colts beat the patriots in the AFC championship game if the Steelers don't do it first. In the AFC for the superbowl will be one of 3 teams: Colts, Pats or Steelers. Of course, Steelers could pull the 2005 season playoff run again and make me a happy man :)

XBOX: After some hours with Halo 3, Im ready for Call of Duty 4 now. I will keep Halo 3 for the Eric factor,but if we both get it, I will consider selling my Halo 3 copy... Also, my refirb Xbox arrived and I will test it out tonight or tomorrow, then sell it to Wayne for $150. He was very interested in it, so i will cut him a deal.
Tomorrow COD 4 comes out and it will rock. Look for the CP clan online tomorrow and thru the week :)
GAMING: We finished up our first adventure with Palladium RPG this weekend. Everyone seemed to have fun and I hope to run another adventure very soon. I think the next one will have less combat and more CSI stuff - investigation, a lil BnE for the thief, maybe some clue work and some thought in it. Also, the chessix order will arrive this week so that will be good. I have another megamat on the way, so that will be good to use with the miniatures, which Ive re-started painting.
PRE-CHRISTMAS: Yep!! The holidays are out in the stores!! I warned you... look for the holiday music in stores now.. complete with the standard ones that we hear all the time. Black friday sales started early this year - Walmart had a 'secret sale' on HDDVD players friday for $100. look out.... wonder what Joe buy will have on sale... speaking of which.. Gabrielle (Nicoles cousin) got a job at the new Bestbuy in south philly... :) can you can 'employee discount??' hehe..
ok - Im off to the Dr with Nicole tonight, then come home to watch the Steelers play vs the Ravens... Im calling it 24-12 Steelers. Steelers own on MNF and over the division, so no surprises here.
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