Hey gang, just a few things for the last few days:
Steelers: What the hell! Lets see... rain and ice in the forecast, so lets... replace the sod! what a disrespectful way to show colors on MNF. At least its a win... and lets hope the ground crew gets next week right when the bungals come to town..
DEAL OF THE DAY (week??): Best buy has HBO series DVDs on sale for 60% or more.. ROME: $32.. (hint hint- Xmas gift for Joe..), and all the others...Band of brothers(We got this one..), Sopranos.. all of em are on sale.
Got the T-mobile DASH: It comes with a free BT headset, so I can give one to nicole to use for her phone now. It should arrive in a few days, so that will be good. Maybe now I can remember all the plans Nicole makes for us and also use the calender for other stuff too.. Also, having mobile web and email isnt too shabby either :)
DEAL OF THE DAY (Bonus): Xbox live for $38 on buy.com. List Price: See Details $49.99
You Save: $11.00; Our Price: $38.99; Shipping: FREE
Buy.com Total Price: $38.99 Use the 5% coupon too:)
Christopher is doing well - he had his 2 month visit yesterday; 3 shots and he was good to go. he cried for about 10 minutes and then he was good :) Also, he is starting to sleep thru the night :) :D :D the last 3 nights we put him down around 9ish and he sleeps till 6am or so. He is maintaining 6 oz bottles too :)
Nicole has her Birthday next week! Look for an email invite today or tomorrow! (Big 3-0)
XBOX: Still on COD4; Scott finally got online and now has R6 Vegas, so we might be going back to that for some excitment :) I love R6 and always will be willing to give it a go (until R6 vegas 2 comes out..
FANTASY: Beat down Rick.. look for my next victim Sunday :)
See ya tomorrow!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Post BF deals
Note to future BF sales: Stores DO NOT Price match other stores and thier adds; I got rejected from Joe Buy for trying to pricematch a game tonight.. punks.
So, next year, pick your stores wisely :)
Some random deals online before Black friday adds go away
1- Rainbow 6 vegas for $20 shipped...amazon
2- a 2GB MP3 player for $35: Best buy online or in stores..
3- 2GB SD memory card for cameras, so on: Best Buy; also in store the have the Micro SD cards too..
Also, I am now between the DASH and the Blackberry Curve; not sure which is better - the Microsoft flavor or the blackberry flavor; will have to look more into this..
ok - back to Xmas shopping :)
So, next year, pick your stores wisely :)
Some random deals online before Black friday adds go away
1- Rainbow 6 vegas for $20 shipped...amazon
2- a 2GB MP3 player for $35: Best buy online or in stores..
3- 2GB SD memory card for cameras, so on: Best Buy; also in store the have the Micro SD cards too..
Also, I am now between the DASH and the Blackberry Curve; not sure which is better - the Microsoft flavor or the blackberry flavor; will have to look more into this..
ok - back to Xmas shopping :)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Random Stuff Before Thanksgiving
Hey gang, just some random thoughts on the 2nd busiest travel day of the year:
1- Don't go to the store- I swear that there were about 20 cars at the Wendys drive thru today at lunch..
2- Todays best deal: TomTom for $130: This is the best time of the year to buy stuff. LOTS of good sales around....
3- I got Eric's Christmas gift: After I used 2 $10 coupons, a $5 coupon for an item, and a $10 gift card, it was dirt cheep - like $25.
4- Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays as a kid- we would goto my Uncle Berney and Aunt Nancy house in Cypress and play Civ with my 4 cousins, thier friends and myself. Turkey was excellent and lots of football.. this year, its almost the same. 16 people will be over at Tonys apartment this year, and I will be bringing a game or two to play :)
5- I'm loving COD4; last night we played some good matches, but I will say this- teamwork will make or break your score.
Travel safe and I will update everyone on Friday :)
1- Don't go to the store- I swear that there were about 20 cars at the Wendys drive thru today at lunch..
2- Todays best deal: TomTom for $130: This is the best time of the year to buy stuff. LOTS of good sales around....
3- I got Eric's Christmas gift: After I used 2 $10 coupons, a $5 coupon for an item, and a $10 gift card, it was dirt cheep - like $25.
4- Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays as a kid- we would goto my Uncle Berney and Aunt Nancy house in Cypress and play Civ with my 4 cousins, thier friends and myself. Turkey was excellent and lots of football.. this year, its almost the same. 16 people will be over at Tonys apartment this year, and I will be bringing a game or two to play :)
5- I'm loving COD4; last night we played some good matches, but I will say this- teamwork will make or break your score.
Travel safe and I will update everyone on Friday :)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Turkeyday approach and new way of blogging..
Hey gang,
Ive been doing this bi weekly blog for the last 2 or so years.. its been good and alot of fun, but I think I might modify this to be something more of a daily rant like a... blog :) I will see what I can pull off, so look for more posts about all sorts of BS like...
FAMILY: Christopher is now 2 months old tomorrow! HOLY CRAP MAN! The boy is growing bigger each day and getting the 'ohh so cute..' from the females in our lives. I think its time to goto Hooters with Chris for lunch :P Here is the latest pic: Chris meets Santa :D HE goes to his next appointment next week, and 3 shots will be coming his way :)
Nicole is doing well- she and I are going to try and figure out the 'get back to the gym' thing and might have to take turns or something to do a workout until he can sit in the daycare at the gym by himself... should be interesting.
XBOX: Its a good time to be an XBOX 360 owner recently. Lets see - the top 5 games on Metacritic:
1- 96% Bio Shock- a single player game that rocks
2- 96% Orange Box (TF2 and Halflife..)- pure fun
3- 95% Call of Duty 4- GAME OF THE YEAR. This is what I have been playing since last week.. go get it!
4- 95% Rockband - The game I would like to play with everyone at once :) and I call drummer :)
5- 94% Halo 3- yes, H3 is #5 on the list.. Great game and finished the series... or did it??
Least to say, this does not cover all the games like Mass Effect (Scifi RPG should rock..), PGR4, and many more. Im going to do the 'rent one and play COD4' thing.. figure if there is some downtime I could play the rental for a bit...
SHOPPING: ok- Here is the scoop; look for the Black Friday deals online before you go out. HERE IS THE BLACK FRIDAY WEBSITE ....use it wisely. So far since we have all our shopping done, if we did go, it would be for fun gifts for ourselves...but whats the fun in that :) EVERYTHING!! I will be trying for the $230 laptop at best buy, but doubt I will get it.

DEALS: Here is the best deal in town so far: Some bestbuy coupons for $5 off games- save the picture to your desktop, print em out and go get me a game :P
CELL PHONE STUFF: I need one.. anyone have suggestions?? I have t mobile and was looking at the shadow, but heard its not all that.. then I looked at the RIZR from Motorola.. and also now the blackberry (Jason has one).. Anyone ??? HELP!! I could really use a new phone as I usually get the short end of the stick for the last year or so..
PRE CHRISTMAS EVENTS: Yep - Christmas is everywhere and we have not even had a thanksgiving meal yet! Pre-Christmas sales, music on the radio, wreathes on the walls.. trees in the stores, lights on the malls.. and this is before Halloween!! Give me a break.. Yes, Im all for the ho-ho-ho ness of the season, but at least give me my fall time! For F sake, let the leaves get OFF the trees before putting lights up. Nicole and I passed 2 homes last week with lights already out.. Typically for us, we wait for the 4 day weekend and bust out all the bins, do the Christmas thing and enjoy the time off of work.
Maybe its cause gas is almost back to summertime prices... hmm maybe its time I talk with Dave about that mini cooper :)
THANKSGIVING: Should be excellent - lots of family and good food and thats what its all about :) 14 people this year over at Tony's apartment... yes, the one-room apartment will be loaded with all of us: Me, Nicole, my mom and George, Her mom and dad, brother and G/F Skye, Her uncle and their family and her aunt and Tony - and oh, the two kids Chris and Jason Jr.
..so I will eating outside on the steps :P
Pics and more Black Friday posts very soon!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Evil prevails, DST brings the cold and much more
So, after being happy that the trees are starting to turn shades of gold, yellow, orange and everything else, something happened overnite and now its FRIKING COLD! I'm not sure what happened to the fall time, but we are expecting temps in the 40s by the end of the week - 40s!!
..then the time change hits...
Christopher came back from the Dr on Halloween and gained 3 lbs since the first visit - that makes my son 11 lbs at 5 weeks old. Thats Awesome :) I cant wait to teach my son how to tackle a person.. hes my padawan learner for being the next running back or linebacker for the Steelers :) Oh, and hes cute..... ladies man...
AND we have GOD PARENTS!! Dave Brussin will be making people offers they cant refuse and Gabrielle R. (Nicole's cousin) will be the godmother.. Look for baptism stuff in January sometime..
In other news, the biggest football game so far this season was excellent, and just like I thought, Evil - I mean the NE Patriots won over Indy. Not only did the colts loose their #1 WR but also lost their new guy - so basically they had their #2 and #4 WR playing.. meanwhile, emperor 'bill-i-cheat' had his full arsenal of players.. results in a win for Pats. I am convinced that if Indy had their full team against the full team of the patriots, they would win - and bet your ass they will in January when the colts beat the patriots in the AFC championship game if the Steelers don't do it first. In the AFC for the superbowl will be one of 3 teams: Colts, Pats or Steelers. Of course, Steelers could pull the 2005 season playoff run again and make me a happy man :)
Other news: I need a new phone - my cell is slowly dying... I have a razr and its ok, but I cannot send or receive pic messages, since its unlocked. Also, the other phone we have, the #5 key doesn't work.. so it sucks. We got Nicole a new phone in the summer, so its time for me. As much as id LOVE the iPhone, its not worth it for us to switch over. besides being the $400, there is the drop the phone number from tmobile charge and then we gotta get a new phone for Nicole... so not gonna happen. I was looking at the new Shadow: its like a iPhone, but the lite version of it. It has some smartphone features, and looks like the cost is worth it.
XBOX: After some hours with Halo 3, Im ready for Call of Duty 4 now. I will keep Halo 3 for the Eric factor,but if we both get it, I will consider selling my Halo 3 copy... Also, my refirb Xbox arrived and I will test it out tonight or tomorrow, then sell it to Wayne for $150. He was very interested in it, so i will cut him a deal.
Tomorrow COD 4 comes out and it will rock. Look for the CP clan online tomorrow and thru the week :)
GAMING: We finished up our first adventure with Palladium RPG this weekend. Everyone seemed to have fun and I hope to run another adventure very soon. I think the next one will have less combat and more CSI stuff - investigation, a lil BnE for the thief, maybe some clue work and some thought in it. Also, the chessix order will arrive this week so that will be good. I have another megamat on the way, so that will be good to use with the miniatures, which Ive re-started painting.
PRE-CHRISTMAS: Yep!! The holidays are out in the stores!! I warned you... look for the holiday music in stores now.. complete with the standard ones that we hear all the time. Black friday sales started early this year - Walmart had a 'secret sale' on HDDVD players friday for $100. look out.... wonder what Joe buy will have on sale... speaking of which.. Gabrielle (Nicoles cousin) got a job at the new Bestbuy in south philly... :) can you can 'employee discount??' hehe..
ok - Im off to the Dr with Nicole tonight, then come home to watch the Steelers play vs the Ravens... Im calling it 24-12 Steelers. Steelers own on MNF and over the division, so no surprises here.
..then the time change hits...
Christopher came back from the Dr on Halloween and gained 3 lbs since the first visit - that makes my son 11 lbs at 5 weeks old. Thats Awesome :) I cant wait to teach my son how to tackle a person.. hes my padawan learner for being the next running back or linebacker for the Steelers :) Oh, and hes cute..... ladies man...
AND we have GOD PARENTS!! Dave Brussin will be making people offers they cant refuse and Gabrielle R. (Nicole's cousin) will be the godmother.. Look for baptism stuff in January sometime..
In other news, the biggest football game so far this season was excellent, and just like I thought, Evil - I mean the NE Patriots won over Indy. Not only did the colts loose their #1 WR but also lost their new guy - so basically they had their #2 and #4 WR playing.. meanwhile, emperor 'bill-i-cheat' had his full arsenal of players.. results in a win for Pats. I am convinced that if Indy had their full team against the full team of the patriots, they would win - and bet your ass they will in January when the colts beat the patriots in the AFC championship game if the Steelers don't do it first. In the AFC for the superbowl will be one of 3 teams: Colts, Pats or Steelers. Of course, Steelers could pull the 2005 season playoff run again and make me a happy man :)

XBOX: After some hours with Halo 3, Im ready for Call of Duty 4 now. I will keep Halo 3 for the Eric factor,but if we both get it, I will consider selling my Halo 3 copy... Also, my refirb Xbox arrived and I will test it out tonight or tomorrow, then sell it to Wayne for $150. He was very interested in it, so i will cut him a deal.
Tomorrow COD 4 comes out and it will rock. Look for the CP clan online tomorrow and thru the week :)
GAMING: We finished up our first adventure with Palladium RPG this weekend. Everyone seemed to have fun and I hope to run another adventure very soon. I think the next one will have less combat and more CSI stuff - investigation, a lil BnE for the thief, maybe some clue work and some thought in it. Also, the chessix order will arrive this week so that will be good. I have another megamat on the way, so that will be good to use with the miniatures, which Ive re-started painting.
PRE-CHRISTMAS: Yep!! The holidays are out in the stores!! I warned you... look for the holiday music in stores now.. complete with the standard ones that we hear all the time. Black friday sales started early this year - Walmart had a 'secret sale' on HDDVD players friday for $100. look out.... wonder what Joe buy will have on sale... speaking of which.. Gabrielle (Nicoles cousin) got a job at the new Bestbuy in south philly... :) can you can 'employee discount??' hehe..
ok - Im off to the Dr with Nicole tonight, then come home to watch the Steelers play vs the Ravens... Im calling it 24-12 Steelers. Steelers own on MNF and over the division, so no surprises here.
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