Thursday, May 10, 2007

Summer time is coming = Movies, Paintball

Hey all,

Its MAY!! Finally, we can turn off the heater, open the windows..wait..pollen= hay fever... better keep the windows closed and turn the air filter on. Go figure, NJ never gives up on making your living experience more 'exciting'...

Spiderman 3!! Yep - I saw it for free on Friday morning - it was interesting: I drove all the way there at 8am- lots of traffic. Once I got in, it was a juniper network seminar event= bunch of IT types with 2 cell phones, PDAs and laptops in the theater. After a 30 minute presentation on a slide show, they gave us $10 for popcorn and started the movie.

Overall, it was good- about a 7: one too many villains for me; they tried to develop them in a short amount of time, and it cant work. Also, the coincidental events were a bit many: you will understand if you saw the movie.. PLUSSES: lots of action and it continues the storyline. Not sure of a Spiderman 4, but if they don't, its ok.

Next up: Pirates 3!!! ARRGH!

Lots of stuff going on, so Ill just get to it.

FAMILY: Nicole is really showing now; she is between 4 and 5 months now and has the 'waddle'. We are excited to say that yesterday our step sister Patty had a baby girl; Since my mom predicted one of us would have a boy... well.. she thinks it will be us. Tomorrow we goto the NJRA for the ultrasound, but since we want a surprise, it will have to wait till October.

XBOX: Dave joined the 360 revolution! He got the Elite version, which has HDMI and the larger harddrive. He also picked up Guitar Hero 2, Marvel Ultimate Alliance and downloaded Catan as well. So far, we played a game or two of Catan and it looks like this weekend we will be jammin at his place with coop GH2.

I got Saints Row- It was dirt cheep and is alot of fun; Its a total knockoff of GTA, but who cares- I like it better than GTA and looks much better than what I remember on the PS2 version. You can customize your dude, buy stuff like new guns, jewelry, and tatoos. There are bascially side 'missions' (drug deals, hits, car jackin..the usual stuff) which earn you Reputation points, which you use to complete one of the main story missions. There are 3 rival gangs which face the Saints, and its up to you to take em down :P Overall, its a good change of pace game that does not need to be played online. Im totally set on games for awhile to come... I will pass on CnC3, halo 3 and all the other games coming out this summer.

SCHOOL: Well, between the vector math and Java, Its been a busy 3 days a week; I just had my midterm in Java and it wasn't fun - i was caught off guard with the 'rewrite your labs' part of the test, so next time I will be ready. Math isn't bad, just the test covers alot of material, so I will need to get tough and learn it. This summer I'm planning on Lab 1 and thats it; one night a week will be plenty because.....

HOME: ...I got work to do in that room. I took the computer and moved it into our bedroom; then swapped my dresser and the desk around in the bedroom to prevent the walkway from being blocked from the chair. Next up is to dismantle the desk and give it to Wayne. He was interested in it for one of his kids. Then will be the file cabinet and I will need to get a new one (or two) to put into the bedroom before we dump the big one. After all that, we will need to go thru the closet and get rid of stuff in there - some old posters, some old junk... and start doing actual work in there for the memorial day weekend. Its tough, but it needs to get done soon.

PAINTBALL: It looks like the 20th is set- Dave is interested in going and its an open Sunday for me, so that gives me one game before NJ NAM with NASOG. Thats a good thing; the last person I want to be is the guy who forgets how to do stuff on the day of the big game :P

OK- Back to math :P Looks like Sonic burger is gettin closer !! we might be there this weekend :D


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