XBOX: has been excellent on the nights I can get on. We did have a tragidy a week ago. Last Friday I hosted a GH2 night at the house - Myself, Amy, Wayne and his kids came over and we booted up GH2.
Everyone took turns and picked 2 songs to play and we swapped out. Amy and I hit a 200,000 point level marking the highest score of the night. For some reason when Trever and Amy swapped guitars on one song, it never worked again. So, I am in the middle of getting an RMA thru website and I have found it to be a Pain in the ASS!! They have yet to return the email with the shipping info on it (since Sunday). I hope to get it shipped by Tuesday as Id like to get the guitar back. On a side note, I found these online: They are 3M stickers for the guitars - I got the Chrome Dragon and the Blue Lightning ones. I might have a pic or two, so I will see what we took and post it when I can.
Vegas has been fun- I finally made the next SGT rank and both me and Carlos M have the AK47 and the Raging Bull now. Next rank we get the berets :P I also traded in a game for an arcade game disk - it has arcade games like Poker, backgammon and a few others on it. Just something different.. lately, they just annouced that Star Wars 2 for 360 is going platinum as well as Saints Row, which means that it will be $30! I can trade in the original xbox version I have and get some EB cash towards it when they drop the price - I loved the first StarWars Lego game and the 2nd looks great :)
HOME: Lots of projects are in the works now- We are almost done with clothes. Next up is the bins to the attic; Then we need to clear out the babys room of the computer and the filing cabinet, which will out us ready to redue the room this summer. Also added to the list of 'honey-do' things is to add a ceiling fan to the living room and if time and money permit, a hard-wood pergo floor to the dining room- which has a eshowroom - You plug in your stuff and see what it suppose to look like. The ceiling fan thing, im not sure on the best way, but it looks like I will have to install it using the external track for the cable.
Paintball: is in season now - I am going to sign up for the NJNAM game in June, but before that I will be heading out to the local fields here in a few weeks- maybe the 13 May weekend and the 20th...we will see. Otherwise, Im all set- marker, mask, ball.
Thats all for now - Look for a Spiderman 3 weekend next weekend and then Pirates 3 comes out! ARRGH!
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