NICOLE IS PREGNANT! We are so excited about the news :D She told me initially that she was when i got back from Dave's wedding, but with the blood test results in and all the symptoms, its not a guess anymore as to her being or not being preggers. The expected 'due date' is.. October 3rd! lol That's Awesome :D
WOOT!! Now for the other exciting news.. the name : Lets see- Anakin Fett Maiz... Padme Skywalker Maiz... Joseph Maiz the VI.. hmmm all the choices :D If you got a suggestion, email it to me or submit a remark :)
With this news, we are still going on the cruise next month, but it looks like the wedding in the fall is out. but it also means that I know what I will be doing this summer.. Fixing up the 2nd room, and it should be relatively easy.
Also, with the news comes additions to the website - notice on the right side there is a link to a PHOTO site; look for all pics in there. I will post them here but they will all be on the public section of the site.
We also got a newer car (#2); 2006 Mitsubishi Galant, as pictured here. Its a grey color, with 16000 miles on it, side air bags and ABS for a meager $14000 :) Its going to be a nice 2nd vehicle for us, as with the baby coming Nicole and I will need 2 vehicles for sure. This way, she can make Dr appointments and so on while I can still get to school and work.
In other news, Xbox 360 has been fresh lately, as I have been playing some good games online - R6 Vegas and Gears of War, as well as the Call of Duty 3 online. The next big game will be Guitar Hero 2 next month, but not before R6 Vegas releases the map expansion pack online - it includes the fun Assassination option, which goes back to the half-life days of the old guy with the umbrella :P This time, the 'El Presidente' gets a handgun..
SCHOOL: Sucks! Two math classes and one is a tough monster - the book is terrible and the instructor is just as bad. At least the probability class isn't too bad.. the material isn't total Greek. I just hope that I pass the ECES class.
WORK: Nothing new here - no trips on the future and rumors of moving our office location have started up with some more equipment coming soon. We will see what the deal is and as usual, but told a day later and dollar short on the when and where..
HOME: Well, as stated before, we have goals this coming project summertime - the Baby's room! Carpet, paint and a general 'get rid of junk' phase will be held shortly after we get out of this winter mess that came from the storm last night. Also, look for a floor project to happen for the dining room and possible kitchen area, as I learned a lesson from Carlos Molina - kids and carpet don't mix.
PAINTBALL: Nothing new so far, BUT Scott did email me about trying to make the NJNAM game coming this summer time - June 1-3 2007. It looks like it will ROCK!! An airstrip means that there will be helo inserts, airdrops, carpet bombing and a ton of other stuff that was never there before. I suspect with all of the new additions, it will also include a NEW price so i hope it isn't too much more.
Oh well, it seems that today is 'go home early day' and our customer has input the 59 minute rule.. so with that I will be eating my lunch and probably skipping school with all the lovely ice on the ground :P
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