We are hitting Week 8 and going for our 2nd DR appointment in a week. I am very happy with things so far. Nicole has the persistent morning sickness going on, but she is doing well overall. No names yet, but we have big plans for the room already.
In other news, I got Nicole a GPS last week and she loves it; I got her the Garmin 320C. Its a nice basic unit, but was a good price of $200. It doesn't tell you the name of the road, just "turn right...turn left..' so on. It is VERY flexible on missing roads and will recalculate quickly the next best route. I hope the maps will be updated soon, as some of the roads are the older setups, but so far its only been one road.
SCHOOL: Just wanted to give a quick update to things going on. First off School is bad- not only did I not get a single engineering class once again this coming quarter (Spring 07), but when I asked the professor and councilor, they told me to keep trying. That will NOT fix the problem..Day students filling the class. A few of us had an idea on what to do to fix it and I have no idea if they will go for it or not, but none the less a letter to the Dean of Engineering is in order. The concept is to have part time night students be able to register for night time classes a week prior to the rest of the college;
EX: basketweaving 101 is offered from 6-10pm. As a night student, my student ID would reflect the fact that I am a part-time night student and have registration ability to sign up for the class. Johny Daytime kid cannot since he is a fulltime day student, and must wait 1 week after the registration period has started for that class. This should allow night students the ability to fill the classes first, then allow any other openings to anyone else wanting to take the class at that time a week later.
XBOX: So far - Rainbow 6 Vegas has been the game du jour. I met up with a good group of gamers that loves the game, is mature and no kiddies. I have met up with them for 2-3 times now and every time is fun. Guitar Hero2 got pushed back to April 3rd, so its perfect timing- Go Cruise, get back and Jam on songs :P I am still waiting for the expansion pack for R6Vegas with the 'assassination' maps - kill the El Presidente :P
Oh well - that's a good start for now- Look for 300 to come out next weekend - SHOULD BE AWESOME!! My mom and Uncle will be down that weekend, and we are going- just the guys, so its a guy movie night :) Guy movie night means guy dinner.. so maybe
You MUST have been referring to our wonderful Chrome Phoenix clan in your reference to the fun group you ran into on Rainbow 6 Vegas! ;)
Most of us will be moving to GRAW2 when it comes out.
Hey - congrats on the pregnancy!
Catch you online!
Hi Joe, my name is Ria from Indonesia. I just wonder if Susan is your sister who used to live in Costa Mesa, CA. Years ago I used to have a penpal named Susan Maiz, but we lost contact for years. I remember she then moved to NY with her mom. If she's the person I look for, please give my email add to her: riawgm@gmail.com or could I have her email address? Thank you very much! God bless!
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