wow - what a full month- let me see if I can wrap this up fast, then go into details:
Where to start:
FAMILY: Chris is starting to walk and furniture surf; he started a week before Thanksgiving and now almost ready to go on his own- new prediction: Christmas= first real steps. He is starting to become a fun little boy :D Loves to play and loves his blocks and cars. Nicole is having her birthday this weekend so we will be out at Don Pablos Saturday night. Should be lots of fun :D
SCHOOL: Going into finals week, the 3-nights-a-week took its toll on me big time (Park at 5pm on JFK & market, goto class, get out between 9 and 10; repeatx3). I have no time for anything productive at home and only seem to be able to put out the fires as they come.. fix this, clean that.. Thermo should be an A or B after a 50% grade heavy final. Systems will be a B or a C- i can just tell from the lab test I took Tuesday night. That's fine with me. Next quarter is history and another systems class, i think :P
HOME STUFF: We still have the transition to finish and most of the molding is done now; the kitchen and fridge area are all that is left. This weekend is the holiday decoration weekend so that will be alot of stuff to do- head up to the attic, get bins.. repeat..
On a side note: We are now officially BLU RAY watchers :D There was a good deal this BF weekend and we took advantage of it as out Christmas gift to us. It was under $140 and works excellent. WALL-E was awesome, though Nicole claims to not see a difference, I do. None the less, several cheep BR movies were 'found' this last weekend and we have more on the Xmas gift list- Not alot, but the must-have ones: Batman Begins, the new Batman (this Tuesday..), 300, Transformers and Ironman. Since Netflix has BR movies, that's fine with us.
GAMING: We picked up Wrath on launch night, and questing in Northrend is fun, but not alot of time to do so :(. We are level 72 (?) now and 8 more to go. My goal is to save enough $$ for the epic flying mount when we hit 77. A mere 5K total, with about 3K more to save. Nicole has been able to save her $$ nicely, so she will be fine.
Xbox got turned back on and Gears of War2 is the game-du-jour. Horde mode is simply awesome- 50 waves of baddies come at you with a short break in between. We found some good maps to use and defend on. Other games that are on the list include Saints Row 2 and COD- world at war.
Last note in gaming: Axis and Allies: Anniversary edition is now out and looks awesome. Carlos M ordered it, so I cannot wait to give that a go next time we visit out there.
SPORTS: the IFL playoffs are about to start- I lost to the wombats in a bad game - got spanked bigtime as it didn't matter who I have active that week. Tideybowl, here I come!
HOLIDAYS: Thanksgiving was fun- lots of family and friends with good food. Mom and George came back down again and the day after was a trip to Boscov's. We were then caught by surprise when this lady started to snap pics of us in the store: Result?? :
Newspaper pic.
CHRISTMAS LIST: Nicole has it, so officially, go thru her to verify things, but here is a quick breakdown on cool things Id like to see this year for a gift.
1- NEW digital watch ($30-50): I’m talking about a casio/timex with the indiglow feature- mine is shot and does not work correctly. I prefer the ones with the dual time zones and timer; dual alarm is good too :D
2- Turtle Beach X3 Headset for Xbox360: ($100)- this is a wireless headset that plays the sounds of the game in the headphones, as well as the speaker for the voice. Bestbuy has them.
3- SAINTS ROW 2 for xbox360- USED($50)- Nicole can borrow my game stop card and get the game used at game stop or EB. Don’t buy it new unless its on sale for under $50.
4- CALL OF DUTY: WORLD at WAR for Xbox360 – USED($50): same as above, just a different game
5- World of Warcraft account card ($30); these cards have gametime added to pay for additional time online.
6- World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons: This is the book to get for programming all the addons and stuff for the game. Very detailed and lots of positive reviews.
7- BLU RAY Movies: check amazon or other sales, but most are around $15-20:
a. Batman Begins ($20 amazon)
b. Planet Earth Series ($45 used on Amazon, prefer the BBS version)
c. Pirates trilogy ($45 amazon)
d. Bourne Series (??)
Thats it for now! I will try and keep this once again more informative than before - I hope all is good.
1 comment:
Hi Friend!
regina escorts Have a great day!
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