Hey gang... I'm back again :)
Its been a wild week since the Paintball NJ NAM game weekend.. I had finals, more baby room stuff, a trip to Wilwoods and more.
SCHOOL: Isnt great, but its done. I got a B in JAVA- I pretty much spent all weekend working on this project because of two reasons: 1) 2 of the other people in the group took off to visit home. Now Im all over going home, but when there is a FINAL PROJECT DUE before you leave, one might wanna.... FINISH IT! oh 2) since two of the 4 members could not figure it out, it was up to me and the 4th to finish it. ITs a good thing that the other guy in my group knew how to write code... Anyways, we got a 95 on it and I got a B in the class.. MAth- well, lets just say that I gotta retake that one too. Im not doing well in these high level math classes; at least this instructor was a good one; just the grading system.. tests only- kills me. I suck at tests, especially ones that involve memorizing complex math equations that I will be seeing used in software.. yea yea I shoudl know it because Im a 'great engineer..' but give me a break! Finding all the roots of e(sinx+cosX).. comeon...
Next quarter - LAB 1! nice 2 hour class; too bad this one will involve a partner once again...
BABY: WE are STILL trying to get the rest of the old stuff out.

The file cabinet and desk go this week- that leaves the closet, walls and floor to be done.. My plan: Get the old furniture out and rip apart the room - leave the closet for now. I can always take the stuff out and trash the carpet before we get new stuff. I got almost 6-8 weekends to work on it, plus weekdays we are not going out. There is a plan :)
We did find a good crib and furniture, so thats a good start..
PAINT BALL: Well, I sold my vest for a cool $31; so that goes into the new vest war chest fund. I found one I like so we will see what happens. The group I am trying to get into is in the midst of changing their team name and leadership, but its not a bad thing- they love to play, have fun and just wanna goto events and have a good time = my kind of group! Some practices might be coming up, but Id like to get to OTP with Dave and anyone else that wants to go... maybe in a few weeks! (1st of July??)
SHORE: YEP! The shore is now an official Strikers QD entry;

Whats da shore?? THIS IS THE SHORE. Its the Wildwoods, OceanCity and all the rest of the famous NJ shore locations. Also, Boardwalk fries, Kohr Bros Custard (Sprinkles!)and more. We are now contributing towards the shore house this year and probably will for years to come. Do I like the house?? its ok- but for the price its great. Id LOVE to own one down there and just rent it out to ourselves in the summer.. pics to follow!
This weekend we went down for the night with Amy; she was a Wildwood 1st timer (Virgin!) She liked it- very unique experience there... the TRAM CAR :) the people..everything. It was a nice break for Nicole and I to get out; I knew she wanted to go... so why not.
XBOX: got Forza Motorsport 2 and its a cool racing game. I made a Steeler car and its sweet. The racing is cool, but I hope to play some of the gang in CP; Last night we did more Rainbow 6 stuff - I really love that game.
BOARDGAMING: Well, Gaming weekend was a disaster- everyone but Amy backed out; Im really getting tired of these so called gamer friends I got... I need to pay them more!! No... I know everyone is busy doing summertime stuff and gaming is taking a slow down - simple as that. We will get one weekend in soon :)
MY old navy buddy Dan found me on boardgamegeek and sent me a note to say hi; we traded emails and just updated each other on our lives. I hope to get in some gaming soon! Hes doing a WEEKEND FULL OF GAMES.. wow.. just like the golden age of the Gaming table of Maiz house (WHICH SHALE RETURN!!) Whats the Gaming table of Maiz house?? picture a 4x8' table with an old bench on one side and chairs around the rest to seat 10. On the table is a hand painted map of Supremacy, thanks from my Sister - Supremacy's map is the World.. You could eat your dinner in Siberia - thats how big the map was.
Anyways.. Off to work! Look for more updates on the room; Pics from Evelyns first birthday in CA, and much more!
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