Its finally came and went; the big official Memorial Day weekend. Yes, its the weekend where all the east coasters decide that the shore is now open and they can migrate to the water on the weekends once again. Only those that live out here can attest to it, so for you California types, here is the deal- IT gets cold here in the winter and we cant hit the beach until this weekend... ok? Why?? Well, simply put, NJ SUCKS! there I said it....So the only time that the east coasters can hit the beach is from Memorial Day to Labor day; thats it.
Anyways, we seem to avoid the 2+ hour car ride (which should take an hour) and BBQ over the weekend...which usually involves a Big Movie opening. This year= Pirates 3~ Worlds End. So you guessed it, thats exactly what we did.
Saturday Nicole and I invited Amy to meet up with her dad and her cousin Tony and we went to see Pirates 3; then hit up Olive Garden for dinner and went home. We then did a quick cleaning of the condo and took inventory of our supplies. Sunday morning, we hit the store and got burgers, soda, fixings and a few other items, then went home to finish setting up a table, some chairs... We actually had time to take a quick nap before company showed up. I was hoping for a group pic, but it never happened. Everyone who came was: Nicoles mom and dad, Her aunt Roe and Cousin Tony, Wayne, Sandy, Trevor and Tylor, Dave B and Ashley, John (buddy from the Lake Erie), Michelle and Quino, and ourselves. least to say, we were somewhat tight on room, but managed to get everyone inside and out for an afternoon of food, chatting with friends and family and having a good time. Afterwards, some people left, and those that stayed we played PIT and APPLES to APPLES. After 10, we busted out Guitar Hero 2 and jammed on a few songs before calling it a night.
Now for some more updates:
BABY: Got new scans for the album up - lookee at the next Maiz to join the world!
BABY ROOM: We made some progress this weekend- the desk is apart and ready to go; Tony will take it from us and then we will go get a new Computer Armoir for the bedroom. IT will basically do two things- make the room less cluttered looking and also baby proof it from future baby. We also picked up a new file cabinet for the files, so after a week or so, we can get rid of the big metal one to Kent. Nicole found some colors to play with for paint, so after i get the desk and file cabinet gone, we can start working on the demo part of the room.
XBOX- finally killed off the Blue gang in Saints Row; now its the last gang - the yellow guys. Should be an interesting matchup. Also, almost made the next rank in Vegas as Im 1/2 a bar away from the next and last SGT rank; that one gives me my berret! Football as been played a few times, and also Catan seems to be doing well too. After Saints Row, Star Wars is lined up as the non-multiplayer game to play so between that and HARD Guitar Hero 2, it will be plenty for the summer. The other big news was that my buddy John also got a 360 (SlickSky5), and he got a few games, which include Gears. We hope to play some of that online soon :)
PAINTBALL: THis weekend is NJ NAM! Proabably the biggest game for the state in terms of size and players. It starts at noon, with player meetings at 10am. so basically its 8am to midnight. Im going to play all day saturday and might leave around 6-8pm. Not sure yet... Im going with a friends from work and his buddies, so we will see whats what. The 13th never asked me back, nor did the other friends I have in there.. oh well. Since they are going VC and Im going US, we will fight it off eventually.
Black20 Trailer Park - Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Posted May 21, 2007
Check out this non- Trailer for the movie.. Frikin Funny Shit here:...
SCHOOL: Got 3 weeks left in Math and JAVA. After that, I am taking Lab1 - and ONLY lab 1. This way I can get the house work done, goto classes and also take a small break before baby comes. In the Fall, I will be taking LAB 2 only and will start up a full schedule in the Winter (JAN-MAR 08) schedule. It will set me back a tad, but will be worth it.
Thats good for now- Look for a report in a few weeks about the upcoming paintball event, more baby stuff and also some other surprises :D
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Hey thanks for featuring our video! We just added an embedding feature to our website! Right under the video that's playing is an embed code, so you don't have to go to other sites to get our videos. Once again..THANKS!
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