Hey all,
ITS FRIKING COLD!!! Its a lovely 10 currently with signs of hockey score-like temperatures from now till next week! THIS SUCKS!! I called my dad in CA and he tells me that its summertime like weather out there. Yea yea.. On a different note, I'm dropping off the pictures today from the wedding the other week, so I hope to have a CD to send out west by Friday and post a few up here. On to events...
SCHOOL: Nothing too exciting - same as usual. I got mid-terms next week in both classes, so that will be alot of fun :P Never 2 math at once classes ever again. EVER. Someone remind me why I am putting myself thru this hell of Drexel for a piece of paper...
XBOX: Well, Call of Duty 3 is good online. Last night Carlos and I teamed up in a motorcycle and sidecar and drove around shooting everyone - we were laughing so hard.. Also, Guitar Hero 2 comes out the first week of March officially at its slated to be a meager $90 !!! Give me a break guys! Also, my favorite old school game comes to the arcade next week: ROOTBEER TAPPER. Yea baby! Start up the tips! Off line, I'm now on mission 2 on the Rainbow 6 Vegas game and its good so far. I'm about to breach a vault in the basement of a casino, so that should be a shooting gallery :P On a side note, Eric got 360 now!! Now we gotta get him a few games to boot and the old gamin gang will be back :P
GAMING: WE did another game day at the condo with Wayne and his kids, Trever and Taylor, Nicole friends Michelle and Quino, and Amy. WE busted out BOOTLEGGERS and tried it out - turned out that we were doing some of the rules wrong, but oh well - its a good game. After that, we played a round of BANG and sheriff Amy and crew won the game. We ended the night with some brutal hands of UNO and when finished, it was 11 and called it. I hope to do another in a few weeks, as Bootleggers is another winner with Settlers and Puerto Rico.
SUPERBOWL: Well, I didn't vote for him, but Peyton and crew won it. I voted for MVP Rhodes, as he was the guy who turned it up for the game. Getting the tough yards and grinding it out was the way to go. Check out TMQ this week and see what he said about it. Grats to the Colts and everyone else.. Oh, and tell Groseman that the pop warner team wants him back again, and not to forget his flags..
MOVIES: Its starting. 300 in a month and Ghostrider is next weekend. Should be better than the rash of trash that came out over the last 3 months. Too bad the Narnia series died out - I was looking forward to #2.
CRUISE: Is almost here! WE got about 6 weeks or so and we are out of here :P A buddy here at work just came back from his cruise and told me that it was fun, but some of the islands were total 3rd world countries - Dominica and another one ... forget. I don't care - 6 days at sea with no phones, no computer and my best friend and partner in crime Nicole :D
OH WELL - back to it... Look for some pics soon and a few other important things :D
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