HOME STUFF: Eric and I kicked some ass this last weekend- we replaced all the switches with the toggle type switches; we replaced all the outlets in the kitchen to something newer; also the garbage eater switch was replaced. We also replaced the hinges on the door to the bedroom and fixed the misalignment of it, but I went and broke it the other night- I think the screws didn't fit correctly in the older holes, so I wanna get a new door this weekend. Also, I picked up the fire-safe at Sam's the other day and will install that later today when I get home. The new key storage is now hung safely and holds all the extra keys that we got, like the extra house keys, the storage key, the luggage keys, etc.. and it was only $40 at Staples. It has a combo to open the safe, so we don't need a key for that :P I also got a lock for the file cabinet and that's a good thing.
Eric made an observation- The controller for the air/heater is currently in the living room; If we were to move it from there to the other side of the wall, we would be able to move the entertainment center to the left another foot and put the TV more centered in the living room. Its an easy job that just needs a weekend to do it, as that E center is a BITCH to move.
I also got a few people to come look at the heater and air system in the house. The first guy was from PSE&G. The guy told me that our system has a 8-seer coil for the air and that the new standard is 13; which basically means that they would have to replace everything. They cannot do that job as they only replace existing units and not the lines. His best idea was to: Get a 10-seer coil for the air to use with the existing line and get a 40K BTU heater at 80% to use with the existing chimney.
The 2nd guy was from Sears, and this guy told me that they would replace all the lines with the right size for a 13/14 seer coil, replace the condenser with a new one and install a 75kBTU unit for $7000. SCREW THAT! I dont want to do the top stuff to this unit as we are not going to be in the condo that much longer- maybe 4-6 years at tops. We would not like to spend more than $5k on this job as we would like to get newer kitchen cabinets and a wood floor in the kitchen/dining room. That should be around $2-3k in itself and that would for the most part cover the upgrades to the condo for awhile :D
XBOX: With the Xbox 360, I was able to get the HD-DVD player with it using all of the gift cards that I received (thank you everyone :D ). This is now the way we will be watching DVDs- using the player. It can play regular DVDs as well as the HDDVD format. The Sony DVD player we had is now upstairs and with the remote, is usable and more functional than the one that I got years ago - circa 1999. I like the setup now as there are only 2 channels to swap between - regular TV and Xbox360. Its nice too in that when watching a movie, the Xbox live connection will show if someone comes online using a small but effective popup on the lower part of the screen showing you who is now online. Its a nice way to say 'Hey- if you don't wanna watch a movie, your Call of Duty3 buddy is now online..'. On a different note, Dave found THIS and it looks really cool - Settlers on XBOX :D There are a few other games too, but settlers online would rock. That or save a game and come back to it = no pieces to clean up :D
Fantasy Football: Congrats to Travis - this years IFL champs. Its funny, but I scored the 2nd most points in the last 2 weeks of the season only to play the team that scored the most points for that week; had I played any other team, I would have won it all again. Not to brag too much, but that's saying something.. Other winners were the Drunken Wombats for the 1st round pick for next season (Another team I had a hand in drafting...hmmm), and the highest scoring folks - Addai with his 44 pts and the Gnomewompers scoring 138 points (which I tied at one point). The website opted to either give us a 50% off for next season or give back 25% of this seasons cost- I took the 50% option - no brainer. So it looks like i gotta pack a trophy for Japan!
NFL PLAYOFFS: are here- Go EAGLES! Since the Steelers are out by one game, I would like to see the birds or the Saints to go for it. I'm not a conference only guy like some other people are, but I just like these two teams. The first games are this weekend.
Oh well - more to follow soon :D
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