Hey all
..As I sit here in my lovely seat up at 36000 feet over Pensyltucky, I decided to end my annoying 4 hours head breaking statistics homework and give myself a break to write my blog to tell everyone what a wonderful time I had in
came EARLY, as Amy picked me up at the condo at 5am and to the airport by 6am. Using the skycaps at PHL, I avoided the long lines and by using the on-line check in system, it was a breeze to get into the airport and up to security; since it was so early, the line was short enough to allow me to get a quick breakfast sandwich at a place by the gate. The flight out was on time, except once landing at PHX, we waited on the tarmac for a good 30 minutes, which wiped out the early landing we had. Least to say, all went well after that- especially after watching SNAKES ON A PLANE on the plane – yes my copy :P. I landed on time in
Ontario airport to meet Susan and Evelyn waiting to pick me up. WE got a quick lunch at Carl’s Jr and made a stop at the art store for Dads display case. After we got back, I broke out the medals and stuff that my dad earned in
Korea and made a nice display case with Susan. Eric got back a tad late from work, and after a nice dinner we watched some TV and played a quick game.
Friday was very nice, as Susan and I went to go visit our Dad. We stopped by the senior center in
Costa mesa and picked him up to go to his new apartment in
Bethel Towers. It is a very nice room with an excellent view of Fashion island, south coast plaza and the mountains in the beredinos. We gave dad the case and he loved it. Dumbass me forgot my camera, so pics will follow soon… promise. WE then went to Mimis cafĂ© and had a good lunch- we all got the clam chowder and something else.. very good stuff. WE then went to Grant Boys to drop off the Colt ACE pistol to send back to NJ, since I now have my firearms ID card and pistol purchase permit back home waiting for me :D :D :D
So $70 later and a whopping 10 minutes later, the pistol is on the way home! We dropped dad off back at the room and said my good bys, since I wouldn’t get another chance to go see him on this trip, but told him we would be back ;). Friday night was game night and a lot of the guys came over. Tom, Kevin and Tammy, Mark and Catherine, Scott and Jen, but no Tom or Carlos Y.. oh well. WE played some $5 poker and donated it to Kevin and Mark.. :P
Then busted out BANG with everyone and had a 8 player game, in which Sheriff Susan was gunned down by outlaw Kevin. Neither Deputy Eric or me could stop it.. oh well. It was a lot of fun. Uno followed shortly after then a 6 player settlers, in which Mark won with the longest road and 3 cities. In and Out was to be had, and I got my fix :)
Saturday was the big day- Daves wedding. Since it was at 5pm, I helped Eric take up the sprinkler system in his atrium and started to get stuff ready for paintball Sunday. After lunch, we started getting ready. Tom and Kris showed up at 3:30 and we left by 4pm, wearing my new suit from Nicole :D
Everyone liked it and I got a lot of complements all night on it. WE got kinda lost, but found the Temple Dave Beth in
Westminster. The running joke was “Everything I know about a Jewish wedding I learned from WEDDING CRASHERS
Well, it was good to know some stuff. The wedding favors were the things that go on your head, or yamaka. It was a nice wedding and after an easy 30 minutes, it was official – Dave is now married!
WE met out in the lobby were I congratulated Dave and Rachael, then mentioned to Dave that this was the first wedding in which FOOTBALL was mentioned during the ceremony not once, but twice!
That is an achievement :P
After a drive to the hotel in Costa mesa, we had a blast at the reception in which most of everyone was there- Carlos y, Carlos m, Joe Dunham, Tony S.. everyone… It was nice to see everyone there having a good time. Eric introduced me to Redbull and Vodka :P Yummy!!
I had two and was set for the night :P
A LOT of traditional stuff happens at these weddings-like the dancing and prayers, but also a lot of fun and new things- I was proud to help carry Dave in the chair ceremony with Rachael’s brother Andrew. We had good food and did the clan traditions like the rump shaker, the serenading of Rachael in ‘lost that loving feeling’, in which I started at Carlos Molina’s wedding.
By 11:30 we called it a night, but not before we tagged Dave’s car with the wrapping of love- TP, window treatments and everything else…
unday came EARLY as Eric and I told the guys that we were leaving at 8 to go get Scott. Kevin and bobby showed up with their gear and we left on time, go Scott and headed to Jungle paintball. We met up with Tom and registered with the TOO MUCH PHUN group there, paying $25 for all day fees, lunch and $10 more for all day air. The games were slow to start but by noon, we had a steady ref we appropriately nicknamed Shaggy. Scott and eric were quoting Clerks 2 thru the day, but when we thought that shaggy was hitting up on the weed, the jokes came out, mocking our Scooby snacks and everything. the day was fun and we called it at 4pm. Eric and I got back, packed out gear, cleaned the clothes and came back to a great dinner Susan cooked up. We hit golden spoon and then watched Clerks 2 – WOW Funny movie :P now I know the pillow pants joke eric was saying earlier :P I said my goodbyes to Evee and Susan that night and went to bed, not before talking to Nicole who went to NY with sandy!!
Today was early at 4:15am and Eric took me to the airport; I did meet on my first flight Bruce ?? one of the 3 engineers that designed the BOES quiet headphones. He told me that to stick to it, and here I am about to land in PHL, only to wait for my luggage, but more so to see my baby! I did miss Nicole a lot and cannot wait to get home.
SCHOOL: is tough. I am having a hard time in both my classes and hope that the next few days will help clear up any confusion I might have in the classes. Both are math classes and neither help out each other. Never again will I take a dual math class. Its too much to swallow at once.
GAMING: Nicole told me that BOOTLEGGERS is at the house waiting for me :P I hope to read the rules and bring it this weekend to the Brussen’s house for super bowl XLI. Outside of that, not much more here. Eric will be getting 360 soon, and I bitched at tom several times to get his cable run for the Ethernet to hook up to his 360 to get his ass online.
OK – that’s the final approach call.. more later :P