Well, its been awhile, so I thought I would just blab on about life in general. Where to start..
Black Friday WASN'T! It was nice to order an item online and pick it up the next day after all the funness of the 4am crowd left. We went to the store at 1pm, and left by 1:30; it was sweet! Also, the crowds at Boscovs was not too bad, but none the less they had the items my mom wanted to get there, so that was nice. Overall, it was a pleasant and successful mission.
Thanksgiving was nice too- My mom came down with George and we went to Nicole Aunts house in south Philly. About 15 people total, but there was plenty of room. The food was great and the company was excellent.
PS3 NEWS: Well, it came, sold out and hit ebay before you knew it. If you are like me and could care less about PS3, lookee HERE
SCHOOL: well, we have a instruction sheet due TODAY and a bibliography thing due next week, so I hope that goes ok. The instruction sheet is on How to Skydive with the Flying Elvi, so we will see what we get.. My part was on the list of items to have and a safety section. I hope the thing turns out ok.. Ethics is closing to a soft ending; we have a thing on Chernoble and a final test next week - that's it!
BF2142: Going ok for now- I am still making slow progress, but that's ok! I play when I can and its a fun game. I am starting to have a change in my gaming thought in that perhaps the best system to use is a console, not a computer. There are good games for the PC, but with the xbox and soon X360, all the guys will eventually be on it. Since I would rather play with my friends, it makes sense for me to save up for a new X360- maybe after Christmas with Bestbuy giftcards I can get it.
OH, don't forget the new games from BK - THE KING LIVES!!
IPOD: its nice; I loaded some songs from CD but overall the iTunes thing with the coupons has been making me upset- I got them thru school and for whatever reason I cannot get them to work. That sucks.
HOME: I installed the new door handles and it looks nice upstairs now. We got a locking one for the bathroom and regular ones for the bedroom. After I change the ones for the washroom, I will look downstairs and replace the two down there with the same style, so its all the same. Next will be either the doors or insulation, but I'm not sure which one yet- they both take time and money to do, neither of which we got right now. I am also trying to get the junk out of the 2nd bedroom, but always find something else that needs to be fixed, corrected.. so it seems like it never ends.
Oh well -back to it; tonight is the gym and Dr Todd, our back DR. Then HEROES (it rocks) and maybe a movie..
I am courious about your school assignment on the Flying Elvi! Will you tell me more about it?
It looks like there was an assignment that involved skydiving as an elvis impersonator; Nothing too special since its all fake anyways.
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