Well, my G-14 Top secret was my sister flying out for our moms 60th Bday. Here is a quick retake:
I dumped my airmiles and got her a round trip 1st class to lovely Philly airport; reminded her to not check bags cause they suck more that donkeyballs there with baggage. She arrived on Friday (6th) and stayed the night at the condo. Saturday we drove up the NJTP to our moms place in Rockland county. We then surprised her by dropping her off at the house first, then parking and going in. Once we were inside with mom and George, I locked the truck with the remote and that was the signal. She came to the door and knocked; mom answered:
"Hi" says Susan " Im lost- I think this is the wrong place.."
"Oh ok..."
Mom then looks at me, then looks back..
Least to say she was well surprised. The rest of the weekend we went to the mall, and later, we went to Patty and Johns house and had a cake n stuff. Of course I got the "Hey Joe, my computer doesnt work..." from Patty, so after an hour of looking it over, it was a bad DVD drive. I sent John a link and he ordered it and installed it- no problems.
This last weekend, I took a trip to Mecca!! Yep! The big jet plane to Steeltown and saw the victorious Steelers blow out the Chiefs. What a game and a trip:
6am- get up; shower and get ready
8am- Walt arrives; we get into my truck and head to lovely PHL airport.
8:40- arrive PHL terminal D, the place still looks like it is under construction, thou it is not...
8:50 get to terminal D and find out that we need to be in Terminal E to get tickets... figures.
9:10- Get to E, get in line
9:15- find out that we need to goto Terminal D to get to the gate... PHL 2- Joe 0.
9:25- TSA line is 20 minutes long...
9:40 get to the gate; board plane
11:30- arrive at Pittsburgh airport - whole crap PHL could learn a few things from this place..like LCDs and other technology that make it a post WW2 airport..
11:45- get car and on the road
12:15 get to Monroeville mall- home of the only Steeler store in a mall; I ask you, dear reader, how many other sports teams have thier own store in a mall??? I have yet to see one.
12:50- leave the store with one #39 Parker jersey, one coach polo and one girly nighty for the 'I got you something..' gift.
1:20- joe, traffic.. traffic joe
1:45- get to the Squirrel tunnel; why a squirrel, who knows..
2pm- get to a garage downtown, pay $5 for an all-day parking and walk across the bridge; I can hear the bands in the background and smell BBQ...
2:01- BEHOLD- MECCA... The promiseland... yep! Heinz Field..
2:20- get to the stadium and into the gate; we make our way to the Great Hall; W O W!!!
2:45- I finish my lunch, which was on infamous Primanti's Sandwich - for a meger $6, you get your entire lunch on a bun - HELLYEA! A coke and 4 napkins later, Im set to watch the game.
3:15- get to the O2 level... whats the O2 level?? Let me show you; Look for the Red Circle..

Its officially
Section 521, Row LL, Seat 3
All I cared was - I AM HERE!! The O2 is just that, its so friking high that you need Oxygen to breathe correctly..and did I mention it was kinda windy up there??
4:14 - watch the ending of the 1pm games on the jumbotron - Bengays lost to the Bucs and the Ravens (Browns 2.0) lost- did I mention that They have no offense??
4:16 kickoff..crowd goes nuts
4:35- Im not sure when we scored the 2nd TD, but it was Parker and it was sweet; 14-0 by the 1st quarter and I was not 100% sold on the special teams..
5 ish- Halftime; pop warner kids come on.. maybe the Chiefs could learn a few things from these kids... or even recruit a few to make this game worth wild.. NAAWWW
6:40- End of the 3rd quarter, blowout is assured; DAvenport scores a TD making it 38-7 - time to go home.
7:20pm- Get to car after a mile walk. Drive down the street and back to the Pitt tunnel to the airport
8pm- Arrive and walk thru security; wow PHL could really REALLY learn a few things from this place..
10pm- Land in PHL; typical hpl style " We will be landing at gate D2, your baggage is in terminal E..." Phl 1, SWA passangers 0.
11pm- Get home; share goodies with wife and get to bed..
I had a blast and hope to do this soon.
Onto other news:
DAD- Nadda new here. I got the permit thru the NJ State police site and filled it out; all I need to do now is to pay the $20 for the fee and wait. WE will see
HOME- Got the winter clothes out and started to make the transition. Also, it was time for a new bed- we got this Spring Air mattress for us. After a meager $700, we will have it this weekend. I just dont know what to do with the current one- a replacement for the bedroom?? Trash?? not too sure yet.
GAMING: BF2142 comes out tomorrow!! I cant wait.
Paintball- Gonna call it a season if this weather doesnt start to get a tad warmer. Nothing better than getting hit with a nice hard paintball that doesnt break.. usually followed by 20 more at 200FPS.. ouch!
MOVIES: Go see Departed. Excellent film. Jack at his best and the cast was amazing.. even thou when I see Matt Damon I say "Matt Damon.." ala Team America..
Thats a good start for now; Look for some pics here soon..
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