Not much in new stuff, so this will be a shorty...
GAMEDAY: Rocked- we played several hands of BANG!, in which I was the Sheriff and prominately got killed. Vegas showdown was fun; I played banker and helped a few new people get into it. Then we broke out BANG! again and I was handed the Renegade, in which I shot Nicole and killed Trever, but not before Wayne killed the sheriff- Amy. In all it was alot of fun! Look for another gameday in the future!
BF2142- Awesome game. the unlocks, the SG gaming group, everything. I am playing when I can and have unlocked the Support dude (heavy machine gun guy) and working on the Assault kit(regular grunt with the medic bag). Someone forked up some cash to get a server and everyone is pitching in to help. We just up'd the server to a 48 player, so now 24 SG can play 24 non-SGers. I made the graphics for the server as shown here (thanks to Gimp2.0)

I took several screen shots, some web banners and other images, cut out what I needed and stuck it all together using gimp, the free Photoshop program. Let me know what you think :D
SCHOOL: COM310 is boring. I hate the class and dont know WhyTF I need to pay $1000 for this class; Lets see- write your resume, write a memo, write another memo, correct these sentences.. comeon!!
PHL315- MUCH BETTER; We discussed the USS Vincennes case, the Pintos, the DC10 and this week is the Challanger case; we take the disasters of engineers and disect what they did wrong ethically. Its a fun class. Registration is a week and its back to Engineering classes, namly labs and something else.
BEDTIME: WE got a new bed; It was time. Our old bed was over 10 years old and it was showing its age. Nicole couldnt get much rest and the bed was starting to lean over the edge. So we went to JCPennies on my moms suggestion on a sale, and came out $900 less with a Spring Air mattress. $900!! yep! the short story goes like this: We have the wrong bedframe to support a split boxspring, which was required because the movers could not get the original boxspring up the staircase, even though I got the older one up the same staircase. $730 (bed)+ $90 differance for split boxspring + $100 for split bedframe = $925. Fuckers. Im gonna write Pennies a letter and see what they can do. Oh, did I mention that the movers did take the mattress the last week, but refused to take the old boxspring!! What asshats.
In the end, the bed is softer and Nicole and I have been getting better rest, so it was worth it, but not the $900 we paid.
STEELERS: Suckin Ass at 2-5; look for ben to get killed this weekend yet again.
IFL: Im tied with Dave Brussin for the middle places @ 4-3, but he has a better shot at making the playoffs, simply because the rest of the league failed to beat Rick or Carlos Y, making me in 3rd place. Figures. I got another year of this division with the 3 of us killing eachother and the rest of the league.. Thats ok, Il take the 1st round pick again :P
Ok - thats it! Dont eat too much junk and Later I will upload some pics