Hey gang..
Well, it has been a great summer! WHEW!! Last night was a fun one- I left class and called Nicole; she told me we lost power and that the lightning was still all over the place. On the way home, I passed several trees that were on the ground, power lines all over the place and police and PSE&G trucks out in force. WE had no power all night last night and only at 5am when I called PSE&G is when the power came back, so least to say it has been a long night in the lovely warm weather of NJ!
ITALY WINS WORLD CUP!! WOOT!! Simply awesome; I so badly wanted them to beat the stupid Frenchies and as an extra bonus, Zidane with his professionalism as shown below, just incase you missed it :P
It's too bad he got the Golden Ball award thingy, cause I thought that this man deserved it much more- the Heart of the Italian Defense only let in 2 goals for the match, minus the shootout. WOW
On to other stuff...
FAMILY STUFF: We are doing good! Nicole had her 1st driving lesson last night and she loved the instructor. We hope to get in another one next week, and possibly a 3rd lesson after that. The goal is to have her drive everywhere from mid-August to the driving test date. Susan is also doing well with Evy; She is still on the 3-hr cycle and might still be on it when we visit, but that's ok.
SCHOOL: Summer started, which means back to the 2 times a week thing; This quarter I got Chem 163 (not sure why..) and also Economics 201 (Micro). Fun! At least I only have to spend $60 for the Econ website fee instead of a book, so that's nice, and since I already have the Chem book, I'm golden there.. Test #1 Econ was last night, and I think I did ok.. Next week is Chem test 1.. Organic! BOO
HOMESTUFF: Not much since last update- we are enjoying the entertainment center and also the updated bathroom; I still need to get in there (hopefully this weekend) and finish it up with some trimming, touch-up paint, a quick swap of the switches and also the baseboard. Doors are going to be another time, and hopefully we can finish it up soon so we can get into the computer room and re-due it.
GAMING: I now find that Thursday nights are perfect for me- I can get in for a few hrs, play and get out. Everyone wins and no heartaches. I have been playing Dungeon Seige at lunch time; its a nice pick up game. Also, Pirates is a top player now since Pirates of the Caribbean 2 is out. GO SEE IT!!
As for board games, a new one has my interest and also a Joe Classic. The new one is called Puerto Rico, made by Rio Grande games Its similar to Settlers, but you make plantations, grow crops and sell/trade them. The goal of Puerto Rico is similar to many others - collect as many victory points as possible. Where Puerto Rico excels is in the many possibilities that can occur. The premise is simple - the first player chooses one of seven role cards with specific actions to perform (or as few as six for three players) and then the other players get to choose from the remaining roles. It is important to note, though, that when you choose an action, everyone else also gets to perform it. So not only do you need to make sure that the role you choose is necessary for your own advancement in the game, but also that you will benefit from it more than anyone else. The only advantage to being the first to choose a particular role card is that you are then given a specific privilege related to that action. However even with this privilege, players have to be constantly aware of the benefits each action gives to their opponents. Least to say, it sounds like fun :D
SUPREMACY is back in force!
I found all the rules, pieces and even the expansion board, so it will be making a trip across the US for one more showdown between the great nations of purple Africa (Carlos M), Australia (me), USA(Eric) and the rest of the world as seen thru the eyes of the nukes, L-sats, K-sats, gas attacks and everything else :D
PAINTBALL: I'm gonna go this weekend to Ontarget again; My buddy Dave is interested, and I hope he can go, cause noone else so far wants to :( I hate going alone, but I will cause its a lot of fun :D I'm anxious to try out the modified marker now with the new barrel and grips. After this, I will be taking it with me to CA and with the new Compressed air bottle, I can take the entire thing with me :D
VACATION: Is coming very soon, and I am getting ready for some time away from this lovely place of 'work'. We are planning to goto the San Diego Zoo, and maybe 6-flags Magic mtn, the beach a few times and a lot of other stuff too! Should be fun..
Also, This place too :D
FANTASY FOOTBALL: It's that time of year! Football is starting up, with camps cropping up in the next few days. I doubt that I will 3-peat the Title again, but I think that our division will come out ahead of the pack. I got Carlos Y, Rick and myself, with Dave Bren. as the returnee. Should be lots of fun :D
Thats it for now.. stay tuned for next update from sunny CA!
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