Well, it is June 21st = Summer solstice. So least to say, its REALLY gonna be a long day.. I mean, really long...
BIG NEWS!! (ticker tape machine sound)............
.....Nicole Got her PERMIT!! YES! She can now drive as a learner and learn from anyone else but me. It sounds mean, but look at it this way: no fighting! The last thing that we want to do is to fight over what I said or didn't say to do, get upset over her hitting a curb and panic, etc.. So we are looking at different driving schools and seeing what we can do for her date with the driving instructor on....Sep 11th! Yep - 9-11 is her driving test date. Lets try and change the luck of the date..
World Cup is underway, and wow the US looked like they took one in the ass with that stupid ref on the Italy game; US should have and could have won that game, had it not been for the ref. Oh well, Last is Ghana, and they look good. It will be tough, but it is possible to win and have Italy beat out Checs.. So far, my picks for the round of 16 are on par..Germans, English... and that starts in a week.
6 Flags Great Adventure FINALLY Opened EL TORO, just after we left there a month ago.. go figure. There is talk now as to when we will go again - I'm thinking either late July or September...Email me if you are interested.
Where to start:
GAMING: well, after finishing finals, it seems that the Sunder guild decided to move servers for WOW, and then change their name to something else. Since I wasn't too into playing a lot anymore, and that there was no way for me to catch upto the rest of the guild, I did not transfer my toon over. Good thing, cause there has been nothing but problems for Sunder since moving last week. I'm not 100% DONE with WoW - it was fun and I was able to game with friends and even Nicole, but in the end, its a game.
I then rejoined Sturmgrenadier and loaded up Planetside, and found that playing once a week is exactly what the Dr ordered. I can get on with friends for a few hours on Thursdays and log out when I need to. No more loot, no more DKP this or that.. just get in, kill shit and log off.
I also left the battlefield CD in and still playing BF2 with the new Armored Fury add-on, and its fun. Get in, play, log off. No fuss, no mess.
HOME FRONT: After finishing the first phase of the bathroom re-modeling, we are hoping to find a weekend with no travel plans and tackle the shower. I gotta rip down the old shower rap-thing, fix/reinstall the drywall, re-plumb the plumbing with the new single faucet style
After the guts are replaced, I get to install the new shower rap and let it dry for 24 hrs before we can caulk it and use it, so we will be stinky people this weekend.. maybe.
I also finished the new Entertainment center, and man what a difference. WE trashed one of the book cases, then put the 2-ton monster together. Since the new one take up the entire wall, we moved the living room around and it actually looks really good now. Nicole put some of her trinkets inside, and we just need to get some picture frames and put some pics into it, and that will be that :D The old one went across the bridge to her parents house and into the basement for the spare TV there. Pics will follow soon and posted here :)
SCHOOL: Got an A in the Programming and a C in the Math; Not sure what happened to my favorite subject, but I'll take a C. Next up is Economics 201 and Chemistry 203 (told ya so stupid ass councilor..), so this summer will be 'fun' :P)
BABIES: Susan is as I type this in labor with Evelyn (Kant speelll it right..), so we will see how things go with that. Baby Jason is almost 6 months old, so our first nephew is getting bigger. Carlos Y had his #2 with Kianna, not Keano (woh), still no pictures, but that's ok.
PAINTBALL: After talking to Eric last week, he is getting the itch again to go play when we travel there. He didn't know that I got a new marker and that it needs compressed air, not CO2.. I don't think he understood, but that's cool. I'm always up for it, so we will see. D-Day is coming around the corner, and still no takers as to anyone else wanting to go with me. It sucks, but I hate to go alone to such a big event, as its not fun when you have noone else to go with. IF you are interested, email me..
Otherwise, all is good! Look for pics of the new entertainment center and the phase 2 bathroom project soon! And Email Nicole and tell her Congrats on the permit - it was a tough test, but I knew she could do it :D ( I love you babe :D)
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