Hey world..
Last weekend was good: WE went to
Six Flags Great Adventure and had a good time. The one ride that I wanted to go on is still broke! DAMMIT!! At least, next time, they will have a new coaster there too, so it will be something for me to look forward to - This is El Toro; a new woodie that has a 76degree drop down a 176 foot hill! Hell yea!!
This weekend was interesting; When the Memorial day weekend kicks off, the ENTIRE east coast does one of two things - goto the NJ Shore or do house projects. About 80% of the entire Philly population went to the shore and the rest stayed home. No traffic on the roads; a buddy of mine saw the Xmen-3 and said there were no more than 30 people in the theater! My 5+ trips to Lowes and Home Depot is where I found some folks that were doing house projects like I was; Everyone else was down at the beach. On Monday, Nicole's parents said the traffic was so bad, that a 90 minute drive took over 3 hours to get home!
BBQ Season started too- we grilled our first burgers this weekend and I tried to make french fries; not too bad! Take veggie oil, and mix in some pepper, garlic powder and back cut potatoes for 40 min @ 425. Make sure you flip em 20 minutes in..or they will burn :P
HOMESTUFF: Our entertainment center was damaged upon arrival to Boscovs- they never called me about it and it was only when I called them on Thursday afternoon and asked about it did someone tell me ' sorry sir... but it will be another 2-3 weeks..' GREAT! Actually, it kinda works out, as this weekend we are upto NY for a visit, then next weekend is Paintball (Maybe..) and that leaves the 17th for the entertainment center assembly :D
The bathroom is done with phase one. Here is a pic of the finished ordeal.

The long story: prepping took all of 3 days- between trips to the store, letting the spackling dry and getting the texture done, the first real coat of paint went on Monday evening. IT still needs touch ups.. The real problem was the sink. I found that I am missing on/off valves underneath there and that meant that I had to drain the entire house of water.. Don't ask. after doing that, I could disconnect the two hot/cold lines, remove the old sink top, install and caulk the new one, install the faucet, reattach the plumbing and test for leaks - it took about 5 hours to do all that. Once the sink was in, then me and my father-in-law installed the medicine cabinet: That was fun.. without being able to see the corner side behind the cabinet, it made it fun! An hour later, we installed the light fixture, and that was a breeze.
All that is left for tonight and tomorrow is to install the accessories, like the TP holder, towel racks, etc. Then get a better shower curtain rod. IN the next few weeks, the shower will be replaced and I am going to install a new faucet in there too.
PAINTBALL: After getting a new marker, I saved up $100 and got the rest of the missing things I wanted to get for it: A new barrel - the 14" Redz pepperbarrel; New grips (Dye sticky grips), the extra parts kit, with lubricant; and a tank cover for the air tank, which will protect it from dings and dents. I am quite happy with it now, and cant wait to go shoot some balls :P A few friends told me this weekend that they are going to goto the
NJNAM, which is 26 hours of paintball, with real helicopters and 'tanks', which are old jeeps with paneling on them. Yes, they make an Anti Tank weapon too.. I was wondering about mortars- do you use little pint sized cans of paint and fire them over hills?? :lol:
Anyways, I am trying to find out if I can join them on a day-trip out there. I'd love to go, but only for the day- no camping yet..
D-Day invasion of Normandy is coming soon, and I am planning on going for the weekend; Im not sure if I can or not, but at least go for a Friday night stay up there and play all day Saturday, then come home.
OTHER NEWS: We FINALLY are going to see a baseball game on Fathers day
at the Phillys park It should be fun, as I haven't been to a game in years.
School is ok, I hope. I missed last weeks Linear Algebra and missed my results on my exam#2, but I think I did well on it. My current dilemma is ECEC302, vhdl programming, or I should say, the class that I was 2 hours of time in. The 'Instructor' isn't, and it makes it difficult to understand what it is that we are suppose to be doing. I am pretty much gonna have to fudge the labs as best as possible and hope to get a C and call it done. A few engineers told me they don't use it, unless you are a programmer, and since everyone knows how much I just LOVE to program,.. well figure the odds...
Otherwise, the Myspace thing is interesting- I am finding old neighbors and old highschool friends there, so that's cool. Just last night I found susans old friend Leah and am not sure if Susan knows she lives close by her now!
NO- I didn't see Xmen3 yet! I know, Im a looser.. but hey, I got a nice lookin bathroom now, so :P on you :)