Thats right = one for the Thumb!
The superbowl party was awesome! WE had a fight-night 2 tourney and also a Texas hold-em game, which I lost. I also made a pulled pork sandwich, ala Dave's Bday party. It was GOOD! Superbowl never looked better in Hi-def; NOTE TO ABC => Put the score and ALL the info on the top right corner like EVERYONE else.. Don't give me a useless info bar at the bottom that has no time in the game, no timeout info, nothing but a score? Hell, I keep the score in my head as I watch my games..
After winning the superbowl, I was feeling great! The next morning, I got to work and said - what am I doing here! I should be in Pittsburgh tomorrow!; so I called my wife and told her I wanted to go. After getting home at lunch, we packed our bags for a cold day and drove across PA to the Steel City; check into a hotel and went to the Steeler Store.
The next morning was history; The kind of history that defines me as a person; One time was walking down the tombs in Egypt's Valley of the Kings- Once in a lifetime. Today was another: Superbowl parade for the Steelers. WOW - simply awesome. Here is a quick rundown: 6am up and shower; 7am get to truck and head downtown; 8am- park in a lot 1 block away from the parade route and get some food. 9:00- head back to the car to wait; 10am- find a spot on the road and wait till 11am; Results = 250,000 fans cheering in black and gold as seen in this photo. At 12, we went straight back to the car and drove back to Philly. WE pulled into her parents house at 5pm on the nose. I had a midterm and then after picking up Nicole, we went home.
Valentine's day is tomorrow, which means that most guys with a siginicant other will be eating out somewhere and spending money on flowers and gifts, just because some guy that loved some woman long ago wanted to make it special - Look, its ALWAYS special to me, and its always the little things. I got Nicole something and I will let you know next time (no secrets :P )
WOW- Well, we past the Vael test and also the Broodlord Lasher- We (Sunder) got to the 1st of the 3 dragon guys, but cant get past him, as there are some differences as to how to approach the mob. Least to say that tonight is listed as a FREE NIGHT, but I'm sure that some might wanna give him a go. Others cleared out Zul Grub and only need to down the end guy, I think. The HUNTER EPIC QUEST is going better now :D I am now 3 of 4 demons and only need one more to get the 4 heads needed. Mod said something funny in the chat last night - "Striker, grats on the head.." Let your imagination get the rest of the chat log after that comment... The last piece seems to NEVER drop; its a sinew in Onyxia, and so far she is 0-4 on dropping it the last 4 times we killed her. Nicole is just hit 48 and my warrior is almost 47; My buddy Wayne and his kids are in the 42-44 range, and we are doing excellent. WE almost finished Uldaman Saturday night, and once we do, the next dungeon will be Zul furok in the Desert. I need to get the Mallet charged so we can kill the Gazilla monster inside, so off to hinterlands we go :)
HOME- We changed the bathroom into a white/silver look - its too white, so it seems, but it does look nice as a change from ducks. I also got a motion sensor for our porch light, and want to put that in when we loose this snow and cold later this week. I also replaced the bathroom closet door with a sliding/folding door = much better. I need to finish up and toss the old door this week. Next big project will be the floors and cleaning the vents and rugs. We want to get a hardwood floor in the dining room and eventually replace the bookshelves with a nice china cabinet.
Well, that's good for now. I will post later and let you know how the gift went and hopefully have all the items for the Rock bow :D
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