Well, where to start:
The Annual Poconos trip to the American Candle factory was fun, but cold. We left from my moms about 9am and got there in good time. We spent about $100 in the store between candles, candy and the Dept56 toy, This Train. Anyways, WE then left there and went to the next stop, the GREAT WOLF LODGE. This place is HUGH, with a waterslide that goes up about 4-6 stories! Too bad the rates are high; it seems that they are geared towards a family of 4.. which is cool; I just wish they offered a non-family package.
Nicole's Bday went well; I got her a day at the spa here by work. It included a massage, facial, pedicure, manicure and hair thing. Overall it was a nice day, but would have been better for her if she wasnt sick. She got a head cold from the Poconos the prevous weekend :(, and shes been sick ever since...
WOW - Nicole and I hit level 40 with her main and my alt! She now has her mount and I have mine (for my warrior). We are now questing in the BAdlands and will be hitting Uldeman and other instances very soon. I am now in plate and doing well with blacksmithing; I need more iron and mithral for my next set of quests with my warrior - I am gonna become an AXESMITH :D.
As for SUNDER, We killed Vael last night - FINALLY! I hear he is the hardest boss to get, so it looks like a good ride from here, I hope. Also, I went from -350 DKP to about -120 now, so none the less, I am STILL the lowest DKP hunter in the guild :P. Oh well; at least I will be coming up to gear when it drops in Molten Core. Also, I earned enough to get an Epic Mount! Yes, I am now able to keep up with 99% of the 60s on the server. I picked the White one, as seen here:
Anyways, Here is my main guy in MC - note the kickass looking bow :D
HOME: Christmas stuff is up and the tree is lit! Tonight we are doing wrapping n stuff, and thats always fun. So far, no ideas on my gift - Nicole was mad cause I emailed her and a few friends the list I posted here last entry. Oh well. Cookies are gonna be made between now and next week :D. The windows are great - still no issues. We paid Aemon and it was worth every penny. I hope to send him and his family a small Thank you/Christmas card.
SCHOOL: Im done with finals! Diff EQ and Logic are finished - I hope to get a B in both, but know that I will probably get a C in math. Oh well. Next up is a 3 week break and then Chemistry 2 and ECE 201.
Oh well, Im off for now. Look for Christmas loot and the Cold winter from hell prediction that I posted here a few posts back - Yes I predicted that this winter was gonna be a cold one:
Look at todays weather map: We live in the upper right area

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