Monday, June 06, 2005

Good and bad weekend

OK - this weekend was a mix: Lets start with the good..

+ Thanks to DC Comics, we saw BATMAN BEGINS and know that IT ROCKS!! MUCH better than the batman series they did in the 90s, and a better movie than Star Wars Ep 3!! Movie of this summer is Batman Begins... You heard it hear first.
+ Comic-con Philadelphia was excellent; met Tricia Helfner and know that season 2 of Battlestar is almost done. Got a kick ass Batman shirt and also had Kenny Baker (Hes R2D2 for you non-Starwars folks..) sign my Empire poster.

Now the bad..
- Nicole' s grandpop passed away this weekend :(
- and my moms cat had a serious medical complication that forced her to out him down :(

WoW note => I finished another DKP (thanks Bruzer) raid into UBRS and completed the EYES quest for the Hag; I now have to hunt down the different dragons thru the world and collect items off of them. I also need to do some more raids in BRD, Scholo Strat, and LBRS for the other parts of my set pieces, the BEASTMASTER :D

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