Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Where the hell has MAY gone!

Hey gang, is it the 21st already?!?!

Just a few updates - First off, sorry once again for not updating this too much recently; this DSP class at Drexel is kickin my @SS! The instructor assumes you know EVERY SINGLE MATHMATICAL formula ever invented or thought up, so he 'teaches' theory, which means= he reads the slides, kinda of... 3 more weeks and its over!

This past weekend we went to NY and saw Beauty and the Beast. Excellent show. WBT puts on good stuff and the dinner was excellent too.

FAMILY: Nicole is doing well, but kinda under the weather - she has a small sore throat and usually wakes tired. Chris is now 8 months old and is the dancing vampire baby. HE loves to stand, but then when his teething gets bad, he decided last week that mommys neck looks like a good teether, so we got the attack of the vampire baby :D With Nicole's new moms day camera, she took some pics, so its just a matter of free time (HA! i use to know that concept) to stick them up on the website.

HOME: Decided to tackle the kitchen project once and for all- started to empty the dining room of things, then this weekend I get to move furniture to a friends house, take all the pots n pans from the wall cabinets and store them, then take down the wall cabinets :P FUN! Monday is brick removal day, so its gonna be lots of goodness and dust...

SCHOOL: Aside from the ECE class from hell, the quarter is almost done. Here is the kicker - I JUST NOW was told that there are 3 different junior level tracks in EE - telecom, electronics and electrical engineering - I THOUGHT IT WAS ALL THE SAME?!?! That means there are different classes for each track and some might not overlap.. SO its all fine until i went to contact my adviser- hes gone till mid June - that is SO my luck.

SPORTS: GO PENS! Kickin ass finally and in the Stanley cup round - starts saturday.
AND I got permission to goto the steelers - eagles game on Chris's birthday. Call it a guys day out - I'm gonna contact Dave B, Dad, me and ?? for tickets to that game.

GAMING: Wow is good so far- hit level 54, so the original 5 toons will be in outland soon. Our lvl 70 warrior is starting to get excited to run some dungeons, so i think at some point we will start having more players than the 5 man dungeons. no big deal- im sure on a given night there will not be more than 5 on, but if there is, i know its no big deal to group up differently.

MOVIES: IRONMAN ROCKED!!!!!! go see it and stay thru the credits - its gonna be worth a second look soon and was well worth it. Jones comes out this weekend and that should be excellent. I heard that Narnia was good too, so now its time to see who can watch the lil guy and when...

ok - thats it for now - I gotta finish my take home mid term and rewrite 8 lab reports...all before tomorrow afternoon - FUN!
