Hey gang,
Yea, 5 days..new record.. but hey, I missed out on alot of stuff over the last month. The weather FINALLY changed, and not subtitle like either.. it went from a 90s with 80% humidity to 60s and windy rain just like THAT..(yea, like that..). The next 5 day forecast:
67/40, 64/40, 69/40s, 69/40s.. go figure..
Christopher is doing well.. 2.5 weeks and getting bigger! He seems to have gotten a small sniffle, and I'm sure its from the weather change and A/C last week.. so least to say he isn't a happy camper right now. He wants to sleep in a chair position (upright) and wakes when he goes horizontal... so its a learning curve for us now. 3oz is standard feeding every 3-4 hours.. once he took 4oz and slept for 4-5 straight.. so Id like to get back on that curve :)
Now for the other stuff:
XBOX: Yep - HALO 3 made its way to my birthday presents and its been alot of fun; We got it for Eric, so he and I have had a few chances to get on and play together. We are trying to finish the game together in normal to get thru the game, then will restart it on Legendary..hardest setting. Multiplayer is almost the same, except the weapons have been modified and a few new ones added. COD 4 beta ended in September and it was alot of fun; the 3 maps were getting old, but the gameplay was alot of fun. The perk system is excellent and the weapons are todays army stuff, so its good. I still miss the R6 Vegas matches and will find myself going back to it occasion.. its too much fun not to. See, Halo3 is good, but lacks the realism of COD or Vegas.. so each are different games.

My xbox also got the RED RING O DEATH!!! Yep! October 2nd (got figure) we went to watch a movie and the ring came on in the corner.. NOOOOOOO!! After a 20 minute call to XBOX, the RMA was set and the return box was mailed to me. With some considering (I did not get the PSP at Joe buy cause I bought it at Toys R Us), the only thing I could do was go get a new one, and sell the old one to someone else, ebay or Craigslist it. So, I took my $250 and a small loan from Mr credit card and my loving Wife's blessing, I went to Joe buy and got the Halo 3 Xbox; After hearing that the new boxes had the Falcon chipset in them (Changing the Moboard and shipset to the newer and cooler ones) was the main selling point. So, My original is off to be repaired and when it returns, Wayne expressed interest in it - Figure $150 is a good starting point, plus any games I might have that I want to sell...
GAMING: This weekend we will be starting up the Palladium RPG game - Wayne and the guys, Amy and maybe Dave will be over to start up a new RPG adventure; I figure once a month is the first goal, and take it from there. I hope that some of the other players will vounteer thier house to host it every now and then - I know nicole and I love having company, but lack good lighting and gaming area that might be needed to do this right. I will be busting out my D20s, D10s and the other assorted shaped dice tomorrow as we start up new characters: Wayne made a priest; Tyler made a wizard, Trever made a Ranger, Amy made a Longbowman(Wo-man..), and Nicole made a Paladin. I also made an NPC Dwarf Mecr and an NPC Thief, just incase we get more players.. should be alot of fun.
Paintball: Im done for the season and will clean up my gear in the next week - When we all goto CA next year, I will probably bring it, but i think between now and April it will be on hold. I think I have an air leek, so that will be something to fix too... great..
HOME: Everything is going well - I have to fix up the bathroom and re-clay the drain in the bathtub - i think its leaking.. Otherwise, all is fine - the carpets need to be seriously cleaned and the next big project will be the kitchen/dining room. we want to re due the floor, paint the walls and possibly re due the cabinets in the kitchen.
Weddings: Michelle and David finally got married this weekend! It was a very nice wedding and all the Maiz clan was there - my sister, dad, aunt and both my uncles. Everyone seemed to have gotten sick afterwards, and we think its because of the AC - very cold inside the rooms. Everyone seemed cold - even use guys in suits. It was alot of fun - Mom Pezzetti watched Chris for us and Nicole and I made the trip up the NJTP. After the ceremony, the reception started right away and everyone at the table made a 'when the 1st Madonna song would play' pool [Michelle is a Madonna freak!]. My cousin Kay won it with #12.. it was alot of fun :)
OK - thats good for now - Look for more stuff in the next week and lots more pictures in the Gallery.