It's almost kickoff time! Yes, football too, but I'm referring to our baby :P Nicole is full term and can go anytime between now and the 1st week of October. We saw the Dr. last night and all is good. The room is done, except a few decorations, the house is getting cleaned every chance we get, and the baby pool is now at 42 people. The pool gets locked down on the 10th, so make your pick this weekend. I wanted to let everyone know now that a BIG THANK YOU is in order for everyone that has helped us out over the last 9 months, with words of advice, some things-to-get lists and everything else. THANK YOU!
Tonight ends our Baby classes - we took the Baby basics last Saturday and have been going to a baby birthing class for the last few weeks. Tonight that ends with the last class and a tour of the labor floor in the hospital. The only class I want to take next is the baby CPR and they offer it there as well.
And yes, the NFL Season starts tonight :) Saints @ Colts at 8pm - yes Im taping the game. figure I would get home about 1/2 time, so I could skip thru the commercials and catch up in the 3rd quarter. Should be a fun game too..everyone expects a shootout, but what usually happens when that is - a low score game.
Superbowl pick: Steelers over Eagles - 55 t0 12 ... ok ok..thats what I want.. Chargers and Eagles in the big game in Arizona for superbowl 42.
On to events:

IFL: The draft is done! We drafted 10 rounds thru email, then had a fun weekend. Rick and Doug came over saturday afternoon. We played some Madden 08, ordered some pizzas, then busted out BOOTLEGGERS and BANG. Then on Sunday, Rick and Doug played one more match of Madden before the rest of the crew came over. By 11, the room was setup, the laptop was booted up with a video chat to CA (Carlos Y, Carlos M, Jorge and Dave), and the food was gettin ready. By 1pm, the draft was finished and we were set to eat lunch - pulled pork sandwiches, cole slaw, and all sorts of extras. In all, alot of fun.
The rosters are now set and the waver wire is now active for people to get free agents. In all, there is no one dominate team - everyone has a good team this season and it will make things interesting.
PAINTBALL: Went to OTP on the 26th for half a day with mike and quino. We left at 8 and got there about 9am. We played about 6 games before we had to leave due to Mike having to work at 2pm. My Ion was acting funny, so its time to get it looked at - I will give it a cleaning this week and see if there is a leek or something in there. Then it will be time to hang it up until next year.
XBOX: The game rental saga continues. So far its one of two choices. GAMERANG has an excellent selection - lots of games, reviews, etc. You would think that with one of their shipping locations up by NYC (2 hrs from here) that the turn around time would be in the 2-3 day period.. its not. I mailed Madden 08 back on 8-30 (Thursday)..and I'm still waiting for my next game. Granted, it was the labor day weekend, but come on!! Even if they got the game on Saturday, you would think by Wednesday they would mail it back...
The other website is Gameznflix. They are awesome at the turnaround time - 3 days. I mail a game back and I get the next one 3 days later. The problem is their selection and the availability. I put Call of Jaurez on the list as my #1 game when it was released (Back in June). According to the website, it is still not available. Want older xbox 360 games?? don't bother.. they don't have them either. What does that leave me?? Viva Pinata and the one Im loving now - Godfather (this came out over 1 year ago..).
Since getting Godfather, I have found the love for more GTA style games. This one is in the 1920s error - think about 1927-32. You create a new thug - italian of course - and join the Capone gang. From there, its all you. Extort businesses?? check.. run around with a tommy gun or a fancy new colt .45 auto?? check. Get missions for the Godfather?? check. do side jobs for various people in NYC? check.. it has it all. You use a 'safe house' to save your games, avoid the heat and also hang out in to plan your next missions. You can extort businesses and open up the back room to see if there are any other businesses back there (Gambling, drinking.. you name it). Everything you do earns you respect, which you use for upgrading your skills - fighting, shooting, street smarts, health and speed. Overall, an excellent game that will take alot of time to play (with the baby on the way, this one is a good one - i can pause at anytime, take care of business, and get back to the game..)
I also have the beta for COD4 - excellent game so far; its a shooter and its modern day. You get 3 perks which you use thru the game - shoot thru walls, last stand... check it out over HERE
HOUSE: We are loving our home. Alot of stuff has been purged, boxed up, given away.. and getting to a cleaner house very soon. I have some things to do this weekend - rearrange the living room and dining room to make room for the swing and stroller.. stuff like that...
SCHOOL: Lab 1 is done! I finished my last lab yesterday and emailed it in. The grades should be posted shortly and I'm expecting a B or an A. The next lab will be different - it starts on Nicole's due date... guess I have to contact the instructor about this one...cause I'll be damned if I'm going to miss our baby because I'm in class... who knows.. maybe I can still take it.
OK - Look for another post right before the baby comes, unless its in the next 2 weeks... and more pictures are on the gallery, so check em out. I hope to drop off a roll this week to target and get more finished baby room pics up by then.