George (My stepdad) is going under surgery today- He will be getting a hip replacement and will be undergoing alot of therapy between now and September and maybe longer. We wish him our love, thoughts and prayers in this tough time. If you wish to send my mom a note to send your wishes and thoughts, email her:
The 4th was awesome! WE went to Dave and Allies house and broke out Railroad Tycoon - it was the closest game to date and took the 3rd tie breaker to determine a winner! WE then BBQd with some good food and then since it was going to rain, we went to see Ratitoui - its a good thing because it was cats and dogs when we walked out..
The latest events happening around the house, and to start with, Comcast SUCKS once again as usual. First it was loosing the NFL Network to a pay channel status. Now not only will I not be able to catch some 'just football' news (vise ESPN), but now I will not be able to see the Rams-Steelers game in December! someone must die.. The latest events were the cable modem; we started to have incremental issues like dropping off and on at random times, so I called their techs. They told me to replace all the splitters. Now thats done, it still didn't fix a thing, so I called back again to see if the IP Address was right, which it wasn't.. so its Finally fixed, but I'm still not happy with the router at home. The solution - new router.
BABYS ROOM: Is doing well - we got the desk out, the file cabinet gone, and took off the false paneling on the 2 walls. I then sanded them and started to put up compound up. After that, it was ready to do a final touch up and hope to start with primer on Saturday morning and see what happens to the walls.
Saturday Morning: Amy came over around 10 and I put the girls to work on the doors - the bedroom ones - while I did the prep work for the room. We wanted to be ready to paint the room on Sunday. By 5pm, the walls were patched and dry and the primer was going up. We stopped for a dinner break when I noticed the doors were not exactly the same white that I expected. turned out that they were actually ANTIQUE WHITE, not ULTRA WHITE.. Opps on my part! So after a quick trip back to Loews, we got the right white color and they were back to it again. The ceiling paint and primer were up by 9pm and the girls had finished the last coast on the doors. By 11pm, the doors were done and in the room drying.
Sunday: The first thing I did was look at the walls to check the primer and patch jobs that were done. the lower wall needed a 2nd coat, so I put it up and by 9am it was starting to dry. After some 3M tape on the ceiling, we were ready to paint by 10ish. Since the weather was very sticky, we decided to NOT paint the bathroom door and to keep it inside for the day. Amy came by again, since I wasnt too keen on Nicole painting pregnant in an enclosed room. I closed the vent and put the fan pointed out as we started to paint the green on.

Next stuff to do is to get the ceiling fan installed, get the trim installed and painted, get the carper replaced and get the closet doors replaced... so over the next several weeks more finishing touches will be going in :D
Check out the pics on the photo area so feel free to check it out :)
PAINTBALL: Nothing new- I received the vest and its awesome. I cant wait to try it out; its too bad that the team that i was playing with has yet to pick a name, BUT they still go out and practice every now and we will see. At Michelles wedding, both Michael (Her brother) and Quino wanted to go out one day, so I will setup a date in August to do a day out ballin with everyone interested. Email me if you want to go!
GAMING: Xbox has been fun as usual- Shadowrun and Vegas are the games du jour still, with a few arcade ones thrown in - Catan and Carcassonne. For board games, Nicole and I did talk about it and we agreed that if the baby's room is working out nicely by the months end that I would be able to take a trip up to see my buddy Dan and game all weekend long. I tried to go for the 'Tomapolouza' plans on labor day weekend, but the Dr feels its too close to the due date. I also joined the online game rental website: Its not bad! It takes about 3-4 days to get games back and forth, but its a cheap alternative to buying games just to see if they are good or not. We also agreed that it was too close... so since that was out and all the flights to CA are now over $400, it was a cheaper flight and for a shorter length. So I will be out there for a weekend if all goes well, and so far, so good.
Michele and Quino and now OFFICIALLY MARRIED!! WOOT! After a long time, they finally did it. THey are off to Hawaii for a nice 10 day honeymoon and should have a great time. Since I was out that way for several years, there were alot of questions for me, but nothing that isnt the usual. ABC stores are the source of EVERYTHING you could ever want for beach and your hotel room.. Goto the Arizona Memorial in the morning, go see a sunset.. hit the beach often, leave your AC on in the room from the moment you walk in to when you leave.. goto Cheeseburger Waikiki.. and of course, A luau is in order..
Ok- look for more pics soon on the galery of Michelles Wedding and more baby room pics!