Hey gang!
Well, sorry for the delay- Things have been so crazy over here. Between our vacation to CA, School and a ton of other stuff, I have had no time to breathe, let alone get online and type.. but I will give it a go :D
VACATION: Went Awesome! We left on the 3td and arrived on time at SNA airport, Orange County; got out stuff and found a Jetta as a rental for the week. SWEET! We got to Susans at 11:30 and went to bed. Friday was a quiet day: got some paintball stuff for saturday and we finally met our Niece, Evelyn. Saturday was a blast: Tom found a great deal for us: $20 at SC Village for all day play, air and lunch, which was a jumbo jack, chips, a coke, water and some candy. Then they heald a raffle and Scott came away with some sweet gear. I still want to kill him for turning in the 2nd mask, but easy come- easy go. We had fun playing with pics to follow soon. Sunday was Evelyn's Baptism and it was very nice. We took alot of pics. She was very beautiful in her dress, which was the same one that Susan had when she was baptised that our mom kept forever. THANK YOU MOM!
GRILLMASTER Eric works his meat!! Notice the beafy spicy Sausage's in his tongs..

The rest of the week was easy going- we went to newport beach a few times, we also took a day to Huntington Beach and walked the pier and shops down Main street HB. We also spent some time with my dad and took him out several times to breakfast and to the senior center there in Costa Mesa. He is getting ready to sell his house, but that is another story all together. The following weekend we did a GAMEDAY at Eric's: Advanced Civ was first and after 5-6 hrs of playing, some had to leave, so we called it. We then broke out Puerto Rico and found that the guys really liked it. After teaching it to everyone the first time, we played at least 4 more times thru the week. Very fun game.
Overall, we had a very nice time away from lovely NJ. I do miss my dad alot and hope everything works out for him- he is such a nice guy and has worked his ass off his whole life- I just wish he would treat me as an adult and not as a kid that has no clue what I am doing. Sometimes I wonder about the situation over there and just prey each night for his health and safety. As for Puerto Rico, I will show the Brussins the joy of Puerto Rico and hopefully we can get together and play :D
HOME STUFF: Well, the bathroom is still the sore spot on my list of things: The probelm I have had is finding time to actually get in there and do it. It seems that we are always on the go somewhere and I am starting to get tired of it. I love our home, I just wish to spend some time there.. After the bathroom, I need to considilate the computers into one, dump a desk, and clean out the 2nd room. With the Schecks coming this Christmas, we need to be able to have them stay with us for several days, and so far the only way its gonna work is by having them take our room for the crib- we just need a bigger bed for the 2nd room.. Maybe a Futon.. not sure.
Nicole has finished 3 driving classes and is getting ready for her test- I am basically make her drive everywhere she can. We did some parallel parking practice behind the Acme store by the house, and that was good. I know she will do fine, we just need a smaller car now!
PAINTBALL: Aside from playing at SC Village, I was able to get the S-Rail and ASA valve for the Ion. Basically, the airtank goes back on the marker, but it is balanced better than a basic setup. I need to take a pic and post it.. Next up is the firebolt and possibly a new loader, but it can wait. I wanna see what they go for on ebay and compare prices vs a new one from a store for a HALO B with RIP loader.
GAMING: Nothing new here- actually, I reactivated my XBOX live account and poped in Halo2 and BF2 for xbox. Also, my machine has been giving me issues, so it is time. I ordered a new case and power supply and will considate the two computers into one after finals.
FANTASY FOOTBALL: We are closing round 3 in the email draft and so far its been a painfull experience this year. Between people on vacation, trips and not able to contact another, some picks had to be made by yours truly via the sportingnews top 200 list. Least to say, some older IFL players have been impatient and just seem to want to get it over with...
Thats all for now.. Look for another post shortly with alot more pics and the football draft results!