Well, after missing a full week in San Diego, I spent last week making up school work and a test; then spent the entire weekend studying the collective sum of the Chemistry lessons and 4 chapters in Electronics. I am not sure if it paid off yet in Chemistry, but I did get a C in ECE 201; Not too happy about it, but I did pass. Next quarter in a few weeks will be a tough one - Linear Algebra and ECEC 302: HDVL. Anyone know what that is besides difficult?
Anyways, Nicole and I got a good chunk of change from the taxman, and after all is said and done, we are looking at a small house project; either the bathroom or the dining room. Possibly a few other things, but not 100% sure yet. Either way, there are a lot of house projects that I have been wanting to do. I just installed the motion light outside, and patched the wall from the closet. I will try and finish the job this weekend with a paint job and trash the old doors. Also, I wanted to fix the under the side issue.
My spring break release will be playing some paintball next weekend - rain or shine, do or die. So far, Wayne and his kids say they want to go, but if not, then I am still going to head out there. It wont be the last time this summer, so I hope to get some of the other crew out there too soon :D This weekend is the 7-man tourney in Huntington Beach - as seen HERE.
I found these good tips on paintball; check em out HERE
Otherwise, Look for a poker night very soon and also a game night as well, probably in the same weekend. I cant wait to play some cards :D