Well, Im back from my 2nd trip to Norfolk. We got alot of things done and all is well for the USN.
WOW UPDATE: Finally got the libram on resilliance on my GS Helm :D Also, DKPd a set of nice bracers that no one wanted, so thats cool :D Wristguards of True Flight. I am now hoping to get into MC some more and help with farming and killing some bosses; dont know when but hopefully soon :D
DREXEL: Called yesterday afternoon on the way home and was told that I just need to get my books, and that the payments are not due till the 7th of October - yea. Like im going to have time to go ask for a loan and pay off the bill for going.
Netflicks is going well; we are now official members and like it; Nicole did not watch any of the movies that i bumped for her, so least to say we gotta get thru these chick flicks before we can watch normal movies. Gotta take one for the team i guess.
The replica lightsaber collection is going well; I just won a bid on a EP3 Darth Sidious one; There is a limited Obi Wan coming out next week, so I will be looking for that one as well. I am hoping for brthday money to pay for em since no one really knows that I am trying to collect them. Now I have a few, I am placing them in the display case in the living room and will snap a pic soon :D
My Dad is coming out Tomorrow!
I hope all goes well with the trip and he gets here safely. I also hope he enjoys the week away and possibly go see a nice site or something.. Im not sure if he wants to do any visiting, but I will ask when he gets in.
Otherwise, Things are back to normal. Did I mention my birthday is like 12 days away?!?!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Friday, September 09, 2005
Hangin at home
Whats new !!
The TV ROCKS! 42" of pure digital entertainment. I am waiting for the Best Buy Card to show up so I can set up the auto payments thru our checking account. I also lowered the monthly fun money by $20 a paycheck to reflect it, and will also modify the account to point to the savings account. This way, its covered just incase :D
Which TV you ask??
WE just started Netflicks this week - pretty cool idea; another one of those 'I thought of but didnt do anything about' ideas. WE are on the standard program of 3 unlimited per month for $18. Not too bad - considering we goto alot of movies and watch something all the time. My buddy Carlos M got me set on it, and so far we like it.
VONAGE: If you spend more than $30 a month on your total phone bill, email me and I will show you the best plan anywhere: VONAGE - Basically you use your high speed at home to make phonecalls anywhere, anytime, for a flat fee. ITs free for a month to try, so if you have Cable modem or DSL, Ill send you an invite. I have had it for 2+ years and love it.
WOW UPDATE: First, I updated my Warcraft profile here; this way anyone can see what I got..HERE
Also, I got a set of STORM GAUNLETS made for me (Thanks Nazghul); they have Fire Resist on em, INT bonus and also some side stats, like add lightning to attack = Total Shaman gloves, but I dont care - I wanna put an Agility enchant on em and use em for FR only. Sold a Hurricane and made 20 GP, and also sold a set of Windrunner leggings for +40gp.. so not too bad there. Devilsaur leather is slow selling on the AH, so I might have to take a trip and go kill a few in the future.
KATRINA Thought - After a full week, I am convinced that there are some contries that helped us when we have problems, and then you get places like Iran, that says 'we will help you if you help us..' wait, didnt we help them when they get hit with earthquakes?? yea.. Now with things going, hopefully the city will be restored soon and people can get back to living again.
The TV ROCKS! 42" of pure digital entertainment. I am waiting for the Best Buy Card to show up so I can set up the auto payments thru our checking account. I also lowered the monthly fun money by $20 a paycheck to reflect it, and will also modify the account to point to the savings account. This way, its covered just incase :D
Which TV you ask??
WE just started Netflicks this week - pretty cool idea; another one of those 'I thought of but didnt do anything about' ideas. WE are on the standard program of 3 unlimited per month for $18. Not too bad - considering we goto alot of movies and watch something all the time. My buddy Carlos M got me set on it, and so far we like it.
VONAGE: If you spend more than $30 a month on your total phone bill, email me and I will show you the best plan anywhere: VONAGE - Basically you use your high speed at home to make phonecalls anywhere, anytime, for a flat fee. ITs free for a month to try, so if you have Cable modem or DSL, Ill send you an invite. I have had it for 2+ years and love it.
WOW UPDATE: First, I updated my Warcraft profile here; this way anyone can see what I got..HERE
Also, I got a set of STORM GAUNLETS made for me (Thanks Nazghul); they have Fire Resist on em, INT bonus and also some side stats, like add lightning to attack = Total Shaman gloves, but I dont care - I wanna put an Agility enchant on em and use em for FR only. Sold a Hurricane and made 20 GP, and also sold a set of Windrunner leggings for +40gp.. so not too bad there. Devilsaur leather is slow selling on the AH, so I might have to take a trip and go kill a few in the future.
KATRINA Thought - After a full week, I am convinced that there are some contries that helped us when we have problems, and then you get places like Iran, that says 'we will help you if you help us..' wait, didnt we help them when they get hit with earthquakes?? yea.. Now with things going, hopefully the city will be restored soon and people can get back to living again.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Marvel makes HUGH announcment
What a weekend!
A few updates:
DREXEL: The latest saga goes on; now its the financial section: they are screwing up my status as a full time live on campus student, instead of the part-time live at home person that I am... more to follow later this week
WOW: Nothing major; I leveled my warrior to 30 last night with Nicole, and found a Owl Hawk pet on the Auction House; its a cool pet that I should have sent to my main character.. oh well. Hopefully I can get into a MC raid this week. Also, finished all the quests for the Thorium brohood, so now its kingsblood and scales till I get friendly with them..then all the DI Residue till i get honored and those two patterns are mine :D
42" LCD - Got this bad boy this weekend:

Nicole came to a conclusion that they will only get more $$ and that if we both chip in $40 a month from our fun money account that it would be worth it.. It is. We watched several movies and i played a football game vs Eric S (Chargers beat the Pack, 21-10). We did the 3 year, low payments/ no interest plan and will start the auto deduction next week so its taken care of. Best buy has this on sale this week for $1599, and with a trip to tax-free Deleware, the final cost was $2000. With the joe/nicole plan, its about $85 a month for 2 years..
I found this on Reuters today:
Marvel Entertainment -- previously Marvel Enterprises -- is set to announce Tuesday its name change and completion of its loan package, and also will divulge that superheroes Captain America, the Avengers, Nick Fury, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Cloak & Dagger, Dr. Strange, Hawkeye, Power Pack and Shang-Chi will get the feature-film treatment.
Paramount Pictures, under a deal announced in April shortly after Brad Gray took the helm of the studio, will distribute and market the films, the first of which will be released in 2008 or possibly sooner.
Holy Shit BATMAN! (Opps, wrong comicbook :P)
FINALLY, My favorite comicbook character, Captn America, will be made and hopefully they wont fuck it up like they did Hulk.
Speaking of BATMAN,
Here it is :D BATMAN BEGINS - October 18th! Bet your ass I will be gettin this one in October when it comes out. I loved this movie!
A few updates:
DREXEL: The latest saga goes on; now its the financial section: they are screwing up my status as a full time live on campus student, instead of the part-time live at home person that I am... more to follow later this week
WOW: Nothing major; I leveled my warrior to 30 last night with Nicole, and found a Owl Hawk pet on the Auction House; its a cool pet that I should have sent to my main character.. oh well. Hopefully I can get into a MC raid this week. Also, finished all the quests for the Thorium brohood, so now its kingsblood and scales till I get friendly with them..then all the DI Residue till i get honored and those two patterns are mine :D
42" LCD - Got this bad boy this weekend:
Nicole came to a conclusion that they will only get more $$ and that if we both chip in $40 a month from our fun money account that it would be worth it.. It is. We watched several movies and i played a football game vs Eric S (Chargers beat the Pack, 21-10). We did the 3 year, low payments/ no interest plan and will start the auto deduction next week so its taken care of. Best buy has this on sale this week for $1599, and with a trip to tax-free Deleware, the final cost was $2000. With the joe/nicole plan, its about $85 a month for 2 years..
I found this on Reuters today:
Marvel Entertainment -- previously Marvel Enterprises -- is set to announce Tuesday its name change and completion of its loan package, and also will divulge that superheroes Captain America, the Avengers, Nick Fury, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Cloak & Dagger, Dr. Strange, Hawkeye, Power Pack and Shang-Chi will get the feature-film treatment.
Paramount Pictures, under a deal announced in April shortly after Brad Gray took the helm of the studio, will distribute and market the films, the first of which will be released in 2008 or possibly sooner.
Holy Shit BATMAN! (Opps, wrong comicbook :P)
FINALLY, My favorite comicbook character, Captn America, will be made and hopefully they wont fuck it up like they did Hulk.
Speaking of BATMAN,
Here it is :D BATMAN BEGINS - October 18th! Bet your ass I will be gettin this one in October when it comes out. I loved this movie!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
New Blog for Warcraft items
Here is my new blog for the items I can make in World of Warcraft. I will start using this in my signatures, so Im not tied to someone elses forum site or something.
Side note: Someone let me know when the first country decides to send us some aid - I am so SICK of these foreign countries that bitch when the US doesnt send enough, but yet has the balls to not do a damm thing when we get hit by a ass-kickin hurricane.
Here is my new blog for the items I can make in World of Warcraft. I will start using this in my signatures, so Im not tied to someone elses forum site or something.
Side note: Someone let me know when the first country decides to send us some aid - I am so SICK of these foreign countries that bitch when the US doesnt send enough, but yet has the balls to not do a damm thing when we get hit by a ass-kickin hurricane.
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